Council managers
Elected councillors decide on the key policies of the council. Paid Council officers then put those policies into practice and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Council’s business.
The Council is managed by the Chief Executive.
The Deputy Chief Executive and Directors are each responsible for certain areas of the Council's work.
The Council employs 430 staff, including refuse collectors, planners, environmental health officers and many others responsible for a wide range of services in the local community. By law, senior council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political promotion and are expected to advise and assist all councillors.
Our structure
Our management structure (PDF File, 171kb) is split by responsibility area into:
- communities and environment
- resources
- customer services and organisational development
- growth and regeneration
- housing, health and wellbeing
- law and democratic services

John Robinson
Chief Executive
Responsible for the work of the Council's paid staff.
- Leadership
- Strategic direction
- Policy advice
- Partnerships
- Operational management
- Returning Officer
- Community Plan

Sanjiv Kohli
Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive
- S151 officer
- Corporate Property
- Commercialisation and Major Projects
- Financial services
- ICT and Digital Services
- Revenues and Benefits
Deborah Johnson
Director of Customer Services and Organisational Development
- HR and Training
- Administrative Services
- Customer Services
- Transformation and Communications

Matthew Finch
Director of Communities and Environment
- Public Protection
- Environmental Services
- Heritage and Culture

Matt Lamb
Director of Planning and Growth
- Economic Growth and Visitor Economy
- Planning Development
- Planning Policy

Suzanne Shead
Director of Housing Health and Wellbeing
- Housing and Estates Management
- Housing Income and Leaseholder Management
- Housing Maintenance and Asset Management
- Housing Strategy and Development
- Housing, Health and Community Relations

Sue Bearman
Assistant Director for Law and Democratic Services
- Law and Information Governance
- Democratic Services
- Monitoring Officer
Senior officer pay
Each year we publish information on the number of employees who were paid £50,000 or more. These can be viewed below:
- Amounts payable to Senior Employees 2021-2022 (PDF File, 129kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2020 - 2021 (PDF File, 431kb)
- Amount Payable to Senior Employees 2019 to 2020 (PDF File, 195kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Officers 2018 to 2019 (PDF File, 192kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Officers 2017 to 2018 (PDF File, 74kb)
- Amount Payable to Senior Employees 2016 to 2017 (PDF File, 264kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2015 to 2016 (PDF File, 255kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2014 to 2015 (PDF File, 265kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2013 to 2014 (PDF File, 253kb)
- Amount Payable to Senior Employees 2012 to 2013 (PDF File, 262kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2011 to 2012 (PDF File, 262kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2010 to 2011 (PDF File, 85kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2009 to 2010 (PDF File, 84kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2008 to 2009 (PDF File, 55kb)
- Amounts Payable to Senior Employees 2007 to 2008 (PDF File, 15kb)