Residential Cycle and Car Parking Standards SPD

The Council adopted the Residential Cycle and Car Parking Standards and Design Guide Planning Document (PDF File, 16,624kb) (SPD) on 16 June 2021.

It provides applicants and developers with information about the Council’s parking requirements (both parking standards and parking design for bicycles and cars) for new residential development.

The primary aim of the SPD is to supplement existing development plan policies which seeks to improve design in the district and the principle objectives of the SPD are:

  • to provide high quality, attractive, well-designed places to live with safe, convenient and useable parking provision
  • to encourage people to cycle more for short distance trips to improve the health and wellbeing of residents, improve air quality and reduce fuel emissions/energy consumption
  • to reduce the risk of anti-social and displaced car parking that can compromise the visual qualities of a street and frustrate the ability of pedestrians to navigate places safely and easily
  • to ensure a consistent and transparent approach to assessing planning applications