Lists and registers

This page is part of our commitment to sharing information through a publication scheme.

Here you’ll find information about:

  • information held in registers required by law
  • other lists and registers relating to the functions of the Council

Some of this information is only available for viewing at the Council’s offices. Where this is the case contact details for the relevant department are given.

Public registers and registers held as public records

Business Rates

A list of live NNDR accounts including, Discretionary Reliefs, Exemptions, Mandatory Reliefs, Retail Reliefs, Rateable Value, Annual Charge and Small Business Rate Reliefs, this will be published quarterly.


Q1-NDR Extract 2022 [358kb]

Q2-NDR Extract [362kb]

Q3-NDR Extract [393kb]

Q4 NDR Extract [364kb]


Q1 NDR Extract 2023-24 [376kb]

Q2 NDR Extract 2023-24 [468kb]

Q3 NDR Extract 2023-24 [481kb]

Q4 NDR Extract 2023-24 [452kb]


Q1 NDR Extract 2024-25 [513kb] 

Important information:

  • details are only provided for Limited companies and not for individuals (sole traders, partnerships) - data protection prevents the publication of individual names
  • the Business Rates records show who is liable to pay the charge, not who owns the property; the ratepayer may either be a leaseholder, occupier, or owner

Asset registers and information asset register

Disclosure logs

Local authority land

Local Authority Land & Asset Register [30kb]

Register of councillors' financial and other interests

Register of gifts and hospitality 

Register of electors

This information is only available to view by appointment. For further information please contact Democratic Services by calling 01636 650000.