Spending over £500

We’re committed to transparency in all our dealings. Publishing our spending information allows residents to challenge how council money is spent, if they wish.

Information has only been excluded from publication where it:

  • is exempt from publication under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016
  • relates to the protection of vulnerable adults or children
  • is confidential or would attract an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act e.g. where disclosure could be prejudicial to the commercial interests of any person, including the Council

The spending data has been prepared in accordance with the LGA Local Transparency Guide.

Any requests for further details about these items will be dealt with under Freedom of Information provisions. You can email us at exchequer@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk with any questions.

Using the data

A CSV file is a specially formatted text file which stores basic spreadsheet or database-style information in a very simple format. CSV files can be opened in programs such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice.org Calc or even a simple word processor like Windows Wordpad.

Data has been extracted from the council’s purchase ledger system, eFinancials and supplemented by direct bank payments and purchase card records.

All invoice payments over £500 are disclosed excluding VAT. However, if the exclusion of VAT brings the total payment from above the £500 threshold to below the £500 threshold the payment is disclosed. So some payments of under £500 have also been included in the data.

Credit notes over £500 have also been included and are shown as negative figure.

Each member of the council’s cabinet has responsibility for a portfolio which consists of a group of services. All items of expenditure are allocated to either:

  • a portfolio
  • spend on capital projects (capital expenditure being expenditure on the acquisition or creation of a fixed asset, or expenditure which adds to, and not merely maintains, the value of an existing asset)

Certain transactions may be redacted or be exempt from publication. Personal information falls under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016. These payments have been redacted and the entry is listed as ‘REDACTED PERSONAL DATA’.

Procurement card transactions

Details of all transactions undertaken using a government procurement card.

Current financial year 2024/25






