Evidence Base Library
This page contains the local, county level, regional and national documents used in the making of the allocations and development management DPD.
Newark and Sherwood Local Plan
LD1 Newark and Sherwood local plan [PDF]
Newark and Sherwood Local Development Framework
LDF1 Statement of Community Involvement (March 2015) (PDF File, 793kb)
LDF2 Developer Contributions SPD (PDF File, 774kb)
LDF4 Annual Monitoring Report 2007-2008 (PDF File, 8,454kb)
LDF5 Annual Monitoring Report 2008-2009 (PDF File, 8,496kb)
LDF6 Annual Monitoring Report 2009-2010 (PDF File, 2,459kb)
LDF7 Annual Monitoring Report 2010-2011 (PDF File, 1,089kb)
LDF8 Annual Monitoring Report 2011-2012 (PDF File, 1,089kb)
LDF9 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (PDF File, 2,295kb)
LDF10 Adopted Core Strategy (March 2011) (PDF File, 3,021kb)
LDF11 Saved Policies and Policy Map Amendments Statement (PDF File, 256kb)
LDF12 Proposals Map Amendments (March 2011) (PDF File, 5,076kb)
LDF14 Proposed Updates to the Policies Map (September 2012) (PDF File, 589kb)
Submission Allocations and Development Management DPD
ADM1 Schedule of Proposed Modifications (PDF File, 6,725kb)
ADM2 publication allocations and development management DPD (PDF File, 17,887kb)
ADM4 statement of consultation and representation (PDF File, 3,143kb)
ADM5 Report on the Production of the Allocations & Development Management DPD (PDF File, 1,365kb)
ADM6 A&DM Publication Sustainability Appraisal (June 2012) (PDF File, 2,095kb)
ADM7 A&DM Publication Habitats Regulations Assessment (June 2012) (PDF File, 1,639kb)
ADM8 Duty to Cooperate Statement (PDF File, 482kb)
ADM9 Equalities Impact Assessment (PDF File, 874kb)
ADM10 Additional Sites Consultation Paper (PDF File, 1,632kb)
ADM11 ADM11 Comments made on the Additional Sites Consultation Paper (PDF File, 581kb)
ADM12 Development Management Policies Consultation Analysis (PDF File, 284kb)
ADM13 ADM13 Comments made on the Development Management Policies Consultation Paper (PDF File, 588kb)
ADM14 Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (March 2012) (PDF File, 307kb)
ADM15 Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum (March 2012) (PDF File, 260kb)
ADM15A Habitats Regulations Assessment (September 2012) (PDF File, 920kb)
ADM16 allocations and development management DPD options report (PDF File, 25,987kb)
ADM18 Allocations & Development Management Options Report Sustainability Appraisal (PDF File, 983kb)
ADM19 Allocations & Development Options Report Habitats Regulations Assessment Oct 11 (PDF File, 1,055kb)
ADM20 NPPF Compatibility Self Assessment (PDF File, 625kb)
ADM21 Summary of Not Duly Made Representations (PDF File, 23,494kb)
County level documents
Local transport plan
CD1 Local Transport Plan (Strategy) (PDF File, 7,787kb) and Local Transport Plan (Implementation Plan) (PDF File, 1,550kb)
CD2 Nottingham and Notts Waste Local Plan (PDF File, 6,045kb)
CD3 Nottingham and Notts Minerals Local Plan (PDF File, 10,242kb)
CD4 Notts Local Biodiversity Action Plan (PDF File, 9,857kb)
CD5 Notts Sustainable Community Strategy (PDF File, 3,667kb)
Regional planning guidance
National legislation
ND1 Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (PDF File, 4,841kb)
ND2 Town and Country Planning Regulations 2004 (PDF File, 118kb)
ND3 Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regs 2008 (PDF File, 97kb)
ND4 Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regs 2009 (PDF File, 49kb)
ND5 Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (PDF File, 286kb)
ND6 Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (PDF File, 75kb)
ND7 Localism Act 2011 (PDF File, 2,863kb)
ND8 Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (PDF File, 123kb)
ND9 Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (PDF File, 138kb)
National planning policy
Evidence Base Documents
Landscape and Biodiversity
EB22 - Green Belt Study (PDF File, 7,889kb)
EB25 - Southwell Gateway Sites Assessment (PDF File, 7,616kb)
Flooding and Water Infrastructure