Member code of conduct
The Council's Code of Conduct reflects the seven 'Nolan Principles' for holders of public office. These arrangements detail the procedures for dealing with complaints, including complaints in relation to town and parish councillors.
You can make a complaint about a town, parish or district councillor by using our Members Complaint Form [41kb]. Alternatively you can send an email to Please make sure you have read the complaint form guidance (PDF File, 176kb) before submitting your complaint to us, to make sure you include all relevant details.
The remit of the Audit and Governance Committee includes the code of conduct and is currently responsible for:
- Ensuring councillors are trained to carry out their duties effectively
- Advising on the councillors' code of conduct
- Dealing with the local filtering of complaints and dispensation requests (where these are not dealt with by the Monitoring Officer under delegated powers)
- Conducting of local hearings and determination of sanctions should a breach of the code of conduct be found
Independent Person
- Sarah Britton
- Paul Cox
Independent Persons assist us in assessing complaints of alleged misconduct by elected councillors within the district, town and parish councils in Newark and Sherwood.
The views of the Independent Persons will also be sought and taken into account before a decision is made on a complaint which has been investigated. The elected councillor who is subject of an allegation may also consult with them.