2 May 2024 Elections

The Police & Crime Commissioner for the Nottinghamshire area and East Midlands Combined Authority Mayor elections and Newark Town – Magnus Ward by-election will be held on Thursday 2 May 2024. Polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm. Poll cards will be sent to registered voters who are eligible to vote in these elections. You can only vote if your name is included on the Register of Electors.

You can find your polling station on the Democracy Club’s website.

Voters will need to show photo ID to vote in person at polling stations these elections. More information can be found at https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter/voter-id.

If you do not have an accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free voter ID document, which is known as a Voter Authority Certificate, online at https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate. Applications should be made online or a form completed and returned to us by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April 2024 to receive your ID for these elections. If you cannot apply online, please contact us.

We can also help you to make an application if you visit us at Castle House or Ollerton Advice office. We will need to check you are registered to vote and you will just have to provide your date of birth and national insurance number. If you do not wish to vote in person, you can apply to vote by post, no photo ID is required.

For more information about the Police and Crime Commissioner election go to www.choosemypcc.org.uk or call 0300 131 1323.

For more information about the East Midlands Combined County Authority election go to www.eastmidlandsdevolution.co.uk.

Registering to vote

If you are not registered to vote, have moved address, changed your name or nationality, the deadline to register for these elections was Tuesday 16 April 2024. You should be registered at your previous address to vote at these elections if this was in our district. You can still apply to register, but this will only be effective after these elections. If you do need to make a new application to register, you can apply to register online or if you cannot register online, please contact us.

Postal and Proxy voting

Postal voting

If you would like to apply to vote by post, the deadline to apply for these elections was 5pm on Wednesday 17 April 2024. You can still apply to vote by post online or complete a paper application form which is available from the Electoral Commission’s website at www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter, but this will only be effective after these elections.

Proxy voting

If you would like to apply to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf, the deadline to apply for these elections was 5pm on Wednesday 24 April 2024. You can still apply online apply for a proxy vote online or complete a paper application form from the Electoral Commission’s website at www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter. You will need your National Insurance number to hand when applying to vote by proxy.

Appointing an emergency proxy

If you have become unable to vote in person since the deadline to apply to appoint a proxy at 5pm on Wednesday 24 April 2024 because of either illness (PDF File, 259kb), due to employment (PDF File, 184kb), or based on photo ID (PDF File, 92kb), you can apply for an emergency proxy. This application form should be completed and returned to us by 5pm on polling day if it is to be effective for these elections. This form must not be completed with an electronic signature. You can complete and return this form to the address shown on the form or scan the completed form and email to: voting@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk.


The deadline to stand as a candidate for these elections was 4pm on Friday 5 April 2024. The Statement of Persons Nominated shown further in this webpage, gives the names of those validly nominated candidates for these elections.

The lead Authority for the Police & Crime Commissioner election for the Nottinghamshire area is Rushcliffe Borough Council where more details will be available.

The lead Authority for the Combined Authority Mayor election for the East Midlands area is Nottingham City Council where more details will be available.

Notice of Election

The Notice of Election will be published on Tuesday 26 March 2024 and publicises the elections, gives the date in which prospective candidates must submit a nomination paper and consent to nomination.

Police & Crime Commissioner Notice of Election (PDF File, 70kb)

Combined Authority Mayor Notice of Election (PDF File, 78kb)

Newark Town – Magnus Ward Notice of Election (PDF File, 110kb)

Notice of Election Agents

The Notice of Election Agents will be published as soon as possible following the close of nominations.

Police & Crime Commissioner Notice of Election Agents (PDF File, 14kb)

Combined Authority Mayor Notice of Election Agents (PDF File, 14kb)

Notice of Poll, including polling places

The Notice of Poll will be published, no later than Wednesday 24 April 2024. This notice gives details of the remaining validly nominated candidates following last date for a candidate to withdraw and the polling places to be used.

Police & Crime Commissioner Notice of Poll (PDF File, 14kb)

Combined Authority Mayor Notice of Poll (PDF File, 70kb)

Newark Town – Magnus Ward Notice of Poll and Polling Places (PDF File, 122kb)

Counting of the votes

Firstly, the ballot boxes will be verified to ensure that the number of ballot papers in each box is the number that has been issued. Postal ballot papers that are to be included in the count will also be verified. Once all votes are verified, the ballot papers will be sorted and counted for each candidate.

The verification of the ballot boxes will take place at Newark Sports and Fitness Centre, Lord Hawke Way, Newark, NG24 4FH, following the close of poll at 10pm on Thursday 2 May 2024.

The counting of the votes for the Combined Authority Mayor election, will take place at Newark Sports and Fitness Centre, Lord Hawke Way, Newark, NG24 4FH, at 12noon on Friday 3 May 2024.

The counting of the votes for the Newark Town – Magnus Ward by-election, will take place at Newark Sports and Fitness Centre, Lord Hawke Way, Newark, NG24 4FH, no earlier than 1.30pm on Friday 3 May 2024.

The counting of the votes for the Police & Crime Commissioner election, will take place at Newark Sports and Fitness Centre, Lord Hawke Way, Newark, NG24 4FH, no earlier than 2.30pm on Friday 3 May 2024.