Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

If you’re organising a large event within the district you need to tell us, as it may need to be considered by our Safety Advisory Group (SAG).

Tell us about your large event by completing and returning our event notification form [19kb].

The SAG helps event organisers to achieve good standards of public safety at events taking place in the district. This is to safeguard the wellbeing of all residents and visitors at our public events and ensure that, as far as reasonably practicable, any inconvenience to residents, businesses and the general public arising from such events is minimised.

Which organisations form the SAG?

Our Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is comprised of various partner agencies offering specialist advice on issues related to public safety.

This includes:

When does the SAG get involved?

Help from SAG may be appropriate for a wide range of events, but specifically events which are:

  • large in scale – a mass gathering of more than 3,000 people
  • have hazardous elements to them
  • have never been delivered before in the district
  • have a significant public profile

SAG requirements will vary depending on the proposed event so it’s best to contact us as early as possible on 01636 650000.

What does the SAG do?

The SAG members will review documents created by the event organiser, including the:

  • event management plan - download our Event Management Plan [69kb]
  • risk assessments
  • traffic management plan
  • fire safety plan
  • first aid plan
  • insurance cover
  • licenses
  • contingency plan for dealing with major incidents or unexpected events
  • statement of intent setting out the responsibilities of the relevant individuals and organisations involved in the event
  • food safety and hygiene arrangements
  • water supply, sanitation and waste management arrangements

Read the full SAG Terms of Reference (PDF File, 340kb) - including our statutory provisions for food safety and health and safety at your event

An important role of the SAG is to bring all relevant partners together to plan and prepare for the event in a co-ordinated way. The SAG is there in an advisory capacity, providing independent advice to event organisers, such as:

  • advising on minimising any inconvenience to local residents, businesses and the general public
  • encouraging wellbeing (Local Government Act 2000 Health and Welfare of Community)
  • focusing resources using risk assessment and facilitating proportionate advice and regulation
  • enabling effective planning to facilitate less intensive monitoring and inspection
  • promoting safer events as contributing to safer and stronger communities
  • supporting businesses and organisers through having a single point of contact for the event and consistent professional advice and support
  • increasing good publicity and encouraging more business and visitor engagement through safer events
  • sharing good practice

The SAG also recommends that event organisers hold a debrief meeting after the event to review how the event went and to make recommendations for improvements as necessary.

See our flowchart of the full SAG process (PDF File, 93kb), including how long it will take.

Food and licensing

We’re the licensing authority as well as the enforcing authority for food safety legislation for food businesses trading in Newark and Sherwood.

Occupational health and safety

We are an enforcing authority for occupational health and safety at certain work premises where the main activity includes cultural, entertainment or sporting activities and for mobile catering units.

Construction activities, including the erection, use and dismantling of temporary demountable structures including stages, seating, marquees, grandstands, barriers, towers and masts to support media facilities is split between the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and ourselves.

The responsibility for these while they are being constructed or deconstructed lies with the HSE. We’re responsible for them while they’re in use.

Find out more about safe construction and use of temporary structures on the HSE website.

Outdoor events with music

If you’re running an outdoor event with music, this advice sheet provides noise control guidance (PDF File, 27kb). The advice follows national guidance contained in the Code of practice on environmental noise control at concerts.

Smokefree Nottinghamshire

Launched by a wide range of partners across both the city and county, Smokefree Nottinghamshire is working to create smokefree zones at events, especially where children are present.

Where possible, there is liaison with event organisers to make whole events Smokefree.

If you’re organising a large or small event and would like to support the Smokefree initiative, please contact us to find out more.

Lost child policy

The loss of a child should be classed as a priority incident, exceeded only by imminent threat to life. Download lost child policy (PDF File, 437kb)

Additional links

The purple guide to health, safety and welfare at music and other events

Event safety guide from the Health and Safety Executive

Managing crowds safely from the Health and Safety Executive

Street party guide