Ollerton Town Centre Regeneration

For years, we have been working hard to develop an exciting regeneration project for Ollerton, and the allocation of this funding can now mark the official start of this transformational journey for the town centre.

You can read more and view our outline plans for Ollerton town centre, which includes:

  • creating a new pedestrianised area that connects Forest Road to Tesco’s
  • brand-new state-of-the-art library and community space
  • enhanced access to adult education services
  • boutique community cinema
  • creating a new Public Service Hub
  • offering improved and new retail space
  • a range of new homes that meet the needs of the community
  • attracting more visitors into Ollerton
  • providing a place to meet and spend time, and
  • improving the architecture of the town centre.

Our plans

We are pleased to be able to share our latest plans with you through our Public Consultation process, which will help inform the final designs for our planning application submission.

These plans and visuals will be on display at our drop-in event at Ollerton and Boughton Town Hall, Sherwood Drive, New Ollerton, on Thursday 11 July, between 3-7pm, and at Tesco on Saturday 13 July, between 9-1pm. The team will be available to answer any questions you may have.

The site connects Forest Road, Rufford Avenue and Sherwood Drive. You can see what the site currently looks like here: 

proposed site location plan for Ollerton regeneration project

You can view the latest proposed designs here:

You can view an interactive aerial photograph of the current site via the link below:

Tell us what you think

Your feedback and thoughts on the development are crucial to its success. You can have your say by emailing regeneration@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk with your thoughts. 

Please take a look at our survey, here: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/OllertonTownCentreRegenerationProject/


December 2023 consultation 

In December 2023 we consulted with the public, along with our partners Wilmott Dixon, on the proposed changes to the town centre. The outcomes of this consultation have reinforced and informed the plans for the development of Ollerton Town Centre. You can view a summary of the feedback we received here: Ollerton town centre regeneration December 2023 consultation feedback. (PDF File, 145kb)


Our timeline for the project is:

July 2024 – public consultation.

August 2024 – finalise design.

September 2024 – submit planning application.

Early 2025 – secure planning consent.

Spring 2025 – start on site.

Summer 2026 – completion and open to the public for use.

Meet the team

To make the vision of Ollerton a reality, we have a skilled project team in place which is committed to regenerating the town centre to better support the needs of its community. The project team includes:

  • Newark and Sherwood District Council – will manage the project and ensure it is delivered by summer 2026 and provide a number of services within the public sector service hub
  • Ollerton and Boughton Town Council – a key partner in the project, owners of the Town Hall and nearby land and will relocate to the new public sector service hub
  • Johal PLC – owners of the Forest Centre which will be demolished to create a new entrance from Forest Road and link to Tesco’s
  • Inspire – will be responsible for running the new library, which will feature a large range of books, adult courses, computers, online support and space for community clubs to meet
  • Nottinghamshire County Council – an important partner and will bring forward a transport hub and input into the overall design
  • Willmot Dixon – will help deliver the Ollerton regeneration scheme with the support of the project team.