Bottle banks and recycling points

Bottle bank and recycling points

Around half of the waste you produce at home can go into one of your two recycling bins.  You can put most in your silver bin for recycling waste. Glass can be collected via our new kerbside glass recycling service.

Recycling points
You can also take clothing and other recyclable materials, such as Tetra Pak cartons, to one of many recycling points sites. You can find your nearest recycling centre here.

Bottle banks
If you are unable to have one of our kerbside glass recycling bins at your home for any reason, there are still a network of bottle banks around the district.

You can download the leaflet on Newark and Sherwood bottle banks (PDF File, 165kb) for information on where bottle banks and recycling points are located throughout the district.

Full bottle bank?

All bottle banks and recycling points are emptied on a schedule, depending on when they are usually full. If you notice that a bottle bank is full, call the number on the bottle bank. 

Alternatively, you can give our customer services team a call on 01636 650 000 and we’ll report the problem for you.