Caunton Parish Council

Caunton is a parish in the Newark and Sherwood District of Nottinghamshire, about 6 miles north-west of Newark, just off the A616.  The village stands where the ancient road from the “north well” (Norwell) to Southwell crosses the significant li...

Rural England Prosperity Fund - UK Shared Prosperity Fund

In November 2022, the District Council submitted an addendum to our UKSPF investment plan to secure an additional £891k of capital funding, available to eligible rural authorities as a ‘top-up’ to UKSPF through Rural England Prosperity Fund (RE...

Frequently Asked Questions - Update on Chestnut Lodge

Gypsies and Travellers form a longstanding part of the district’s population, contributing towards the character of Newark and Sherwood with distinct and vibrant communities found across the district. There are currently around 400 pitches in our d...

Affordable housing delivery - Affordable housing development

Over the past 14 years, a total of 1,312 additional affordable homes have been provided across the district. These have been delivered through: Section 106 planning agreements 100% affordable housing developments rural housing exception sites our ow...

Identifying conservation areas - Conservation areas

An area may be a conservation area for a number of reasons including a historic layout of streets, or a grouping of historic buildings that reflect the materials and style of the region. It may also be an area reflective of a particular historical ti...

Council managers

 decide on the key policies of the council. Paid Council officers then put those policies into practice and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Council’s business. The Council is managed by the Chief Executive. The Deputy Chief Execu...

Changes to a premises licence - Premises licence

If you’re the holder of a premises licence and wish to make changes to it, you’ll need to make an application to our licensing service. Find out more and change your premises licence via the website. Typical changes requested include: ext...

Areas of special local character - Local heritage assets

Many settlements within Newark and Sherwood have a historic core that can easily be identified. This is apparent through the presence of early structures such as medieval churches, manor houses or industrial sites such as mills. Often these settlemen...

LDF Monitoring

The progress of the Local Development Framework (LDF) and the effectiveness of the policies within it are monitored, as well as the amount of residential, employment and other development within the district, through the annual monitoring report. Mon...

Council strategies

The Council has strategies, procedures, and policies to plan for the future and govern the way we work. They help make sure everyone understands our priorities for the district and how we can work towards them. We base our strategies on information, ...

Latest on national restrictions - Advice for businesses

Face coverings and Covid passes are no longer legally required in England, after the relaxation of Plan B rules came into effect on 27 January. Some shops have said they will continue to ask people to wear face masks and rail operators also said pass...

Advice for residents

Free testing for the general public ends on Friday 1 April. This is part of the Living with COVID-19 plan, which is the government’s strategy to live with and manage the virus. Find out more information below.  To keep ourselves, our families and ...

April 2015 – March 2016 - Committee Agendas and Reports Archive

Audits and Accounts Committee 10 FEB 2016 (PDF File, 2,124kb) 04 NOV 2015 (PDF File, 1,641kb) 09 SEP 2015 (PDF File, 2,282kb) 09 SEP 2015 - Statement of Accounts (PDF File, 704kb) 24 JUN 2015 (PDF File, 2,307kb) 08 APR 2015 (PDF File, 1,380kb) Counci...

Statutory legislation - Public Protection Privacy Notice

This is not an exhaustive list: Animal Health Act 1981 Animal Health and Welfare Act 1984 Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 Animal Welfare Act 2006 Animals Act 1971 Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and...

Ollerton Town Centre Regeneration

For years, we have been working hard to develop an exciting regeneration project for Ollerton, and the allocation of this funding can now mark the official start of this transformational journey for the town centre. You can read more and view our out...


Byelaws are local rules often affecting activities such as littering, ball games in parks and dog fouling.  We try to make our byelaws easy to understand and effective to enforce. You’ll find details of them below. Acupuncture (PDF File, 1,639kb)...

Illegal encampments

We are committed to preventing illegal encampments in the district. New plans will see a range of measures put in place to deter illegal encampments from pitching up at 21 key sites. The aim is to direct them to land that has specifically been alloca...

Making an application for a club premises certificate - Club premises certificate

Clubs in Newark and Sherwood should apply to us for a club premises certificate online. To make an application you must submit a: completed application form plan of the premises in the required form copy of the club’s rules club operating schedule...

Newark markets - Markets

The bustling markets in Newark are extremely popular with both locals and visitors. Hot food and refreshments are available and the Saturday market is a particularly vibrant focus for our historic market town. Regular stall holders include fruit and ...

Information for community groups - Advice for community groups, volunteers or carers

At the beginning of the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and, as part of a national plan to open local support hubs, we set up a new team – the Humanitarian Assistance Support Team (Hart). The team helps support isolated and vulnerable residents thro...

Accessing your own information - Data protection

If you wish to view information that the council holds about you, you must make what is known as a subject access request (SAR) or a personal information request (PIR). You’re entitled to be told if any personal data is held about you and, if so be...

Conservation area review - Conservation areas

We are currently undertaking a review of our conservation areas to ensure the designations are still relevant and meaningful. The special interest of areas designated many years ago may have been eroded by piecemeal change or poorly designed develop...

Reducing energy - Reduce

The Energy Saving Trust provides ideas for saving energy and water in your home, helping the planet and reducing your bills. Low energy light bulbs save electricity and money, lasting about eight times longer than normal light bulbs. Always switch li...

Publication stage (18 June to 30 July 2012) - Making of the Allocations & DM DPD

The publication stage of the DPD differed from the previous stages in that it represented the version of the document that the Council wishes to submit to the Secretary of State for examination and following this to adopt. Following the close of the ...

Submission documents - Amended core strategy examination library

CS/01 Publication Amended Core Strategy DPD (PDF File, 20,283kb)CS/02 Publication Amended Core Strategy DPD (clean version) (PDF File, 19,942kb)CS/03 Newark and Sherwood Policies Map Amendments (PDF File, 1,314kb)CS/04 Adopted Core Strategy (March 2...

Newark Construction College

The Construction College is an identified Newark Town Investment Plan project which delivers new training opportunities for young people and retraining for adults in Newark with the intention of securing both employment and high qualifications with...

Miner 2 Major - Sherwood Heath

Miner to Major is an exciting five-year land management project (2019 to 2023) supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The scheme is delivering a range of projects that celebrate and help protect the diverse wildlife, important habitats and...

Miner 2 Major - Vicar Water Country Park

Miner to Major is an exciting five-year land management project (2019 to 2023) supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The scheme is delivering a range of projects that celebrate and help protect the diverse wildlife, important habitats and...

Miner 2 Major - Intake Wood

Miner to Major is an exciting five-year land management project (2019 to 2023) supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The scheme is delivering a range of projects that celebrate and help protect the diverse wildlife, important habitats and...

Biodiversity - Queen Elizabeth Memorial Gardens

The community garden includes features which were designed with wildlife and sustainability in mind including: A gentle pebbled rainwater feature which runs through the garden Water butts to allow rainwater to be collected and reused in the garden. ...

Frequently Asked Questions - Newark Castle Gatehouse Project

Will I have to pay to get in? Access to the grounds will remain free for everyone. It is proposed that entry to the galleries will be £8 for adults, half price for Newark and Sherwood residents (just £4 for adults) with free entry for children and ...

Local and national financial help - Financial Advice

Talking to us is a good place to start when you’re looking to take control of your finances, but here are some other organisations who may be able to help: Organisation Advice available Contact details Nottinghamshire County Council  ...

How do I join? - Shopwatch

If you wish to sign up to this scheme please complete the Newark Town Centre Shopwatch application form. [362kb]. Once we receive this completed form you will be sent a voucher via email to log on to the scheme. When you register you will be able ...

Intake Wood

Intake Wood (NG21 9EZ) lies within the heart of the historic Sherwood Forest area, with the land originally forming part of the medieval Royal Hunting Forest. At that time traditional habitats would have been a mix of heathland, acid grassland and s...

Newark Castle Building Bridges Project

Development funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund enabled us to spend 12 months consulting with local communities about what you would like to see in the Castle's future. Over 600 individuals and groups joined in the conversation to help sh...

Applying for a premises licence - Premises licence

As the licensing authority, we handle premises licence applications within Newark and Sherwood. Apply to us for a premises licence. You can refer to the Guidance Notes for Premises Licence 2023 (PDF File, 284kb) to help with this. There’s a peri...

Testing for COVID-19

Free testing for the general public ends on Friday 1 April. This is part of the Living with COVID-19 plan, which is the government’s strategy to live with and manage the virus. From 1 April, updated guidance will advise people with symptoms of a re...

Living with COVID-19

Free testing for the general public ends on Friday 1 April. This is part of the Living with COVID-19 plan, which is the government’s strategy to live with and manage the virus. From 1 April, updated guidance will advise people with symptoms of a re...

April 2016 – March 2017 - Committee Agendas and Reports Archive

Audit and Accounts committee 30 NOV 2016 (PDF File, 3,589kb) 07 SEP 2016 - Report to Follow (PDF File, 344kb) 07 SEP 2016 (PDF File, 2,076kb) 13 JUL 2016 (PDF File, 4,030kb) 27 APR 2016 - Audit and Accounts Agenda (PDF File, 3,348kb) Council meeting...

Amended Core Strategy - Main Modifications Consultation (8 Aug to 21 Sep 2018) - Making of the amended core strategy

Following submission of the Newark and Sherwood Amended Core Strategy DPD, a two day examination hearing was held between 1 February and 2 February 2018. As part of the examination hearing the Inspector identified a number of main modifications to ...

Resident Panel

If you’re a resident of Newark and Sherwood who is keen to share your views on the Council’s services, plans, proposals and development of the local area, why not join our Resident Panel? The panel is part of the Council’s consultation and enga...

Two free trees for residents - Trees and nature conservation

Sign up for this year's Free Tree Scheme is now closed. Residents who have signed up will be contacted with information on when and where they are able to pick their tree up. 26th January Sconce and Devon Park – 3pm until 6pm 27th January Sout...

What is environmental information? - Environmental Information Regulations

The definition of environmental information is very wide and includes written, electronic, visual or audio information on: the state of the elements of the environment - air, atmosphere, water, soil, land, landscape and natural sites, biological div...


Close circuit television (CCTV) is designed to deter and detect acts of crime. Newark and Sherwood District Council owns and operates a CCTV system within the district that has been running 24 hours a day, every day of the year since October 1999. Ou...

Farm fires - Fire safety in your home and community

A fire on a farm can have a devastating affect on business. More than 40% of farms that experience a serious fire never trade successfully again. Incidents of deliberate fires on farms hit a peak during the months of July, August and September. To he...

32 Stodman Street

The first phase to transform the empty former M&S building on Stodman Street in Newark into an attractive hub made up of homes and retail units is underway.  This ambitious project will breathe new life into the heart of the town when completed. ...

Wildlife, habitats and education - Vicar Water Country Park

The pond, stream and lake at Vicar Water all provide homes and food for a variety of wildlife. You’ll find birds including kingfishers, herons, grebes and tufted ducks as well as water scorpions, frogs and newts, emperor dragonflies, common darters...

Travelling information - What you should do during a flood

During any floods, roads can be significantly disrupted across Newark and Sherwood. You can check for road closures on the following websites: A road closures via National Highways Nottinghamshire road closures via Nottinghamshire County Council ...

Structure of the neighbourhood studies - Neighbourhood studies

Each neighbourhood study takes a different approach to reflect the unique character of the area, but they all use this common structure: 1) Baseline report - setting out an overview of existing data for the neighbourhood, including the historical con...

Newark and Sherwood community grant scheme

Newark and Sherwood Community Grant Scheme aims to support district based registered charities, unincorporated associations, trust or charitable/ not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee/ community interest companies (where these are not-for-pro...