Fees and charges
Each year we publish a list of the services where we make charges. From planning permission to renting a market stall, this sets out the current fees for our chargeable services. Fees and Charges 2024-2025 (PDF File, 1,533kb) if you have any questio...
Yorke Drive Focus
We have been working hard to develop a masterplan for the existing Yorke Drive estate and Lincoln Road playing fields to improve the safety of the area, build more homes for rent and sale, and make it a nicer place to live. The community has been inv...
Statutory legislation - Housing and Estate Management Privacy Notice
Allocation of Housing (England) Regulations 2000 SI2000/70 Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013 The Housing Act 1985, 1996 and 2004 The Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013 The Homelessness Act 2002 The Homelessness Reduction Act...
What can you put in your brown bin? - Garden recycling service
grass cuttings hedge trimmings leaves small branches and twigs (up to 10cm in diameter) plants and weeds cut flowers ...
Food businesses attending events - Food hygiene rating system
All food businesses attending events may be subject to food safety and hygiene inspections. To minimise disturbance to traders and to make the best use of the Council's resources, pre-event planning is essential. All food traders should notify the Co...
Biodiversity Net Gain - Biodiversity and landscape
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a significant change in the planning system. Submitting a planning application for most forms of development will require the consideration of biodiversity in a new way. The Government have created a step by step guide ...
Sports and physical activity strategies - Council strategies
Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy 2023 (PDF File, 2,219kb) Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy Assessment Report (PDF File, 4,394kb) Physical activity and sport plan 2018 to 2021 (PDF File, 1,901kb) Sport and recreation ...
Land Charges - EIR requests
Instruction regarding the submission of an information request under the Environmental Information Regulation 2004 (EIR) can be found on our website. Should your EIR request relate to Land Charges Con29, the following provides details to enable yo...
How we prepare for emergencies - Emergencies
To prepare for possible emergencies within the District we: assess local risks in order to identify what we need to plan for write and review emergency plans train and exercise with other key local organisations such as Nottinghamshire Police to enh...
Applying for a caravan site licence - Caravan site licence
To apply for a caravan site licence, you must first be entitled to use the land as a caravan site. A licence can only be issued once valid planning permission has been granted. For further advice on planning issues or to change the use of land to a p...
What does the SAG do? - Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
The SAG members will review documents created by the event organiser, including the: event management plan - download our Event Management Plan [69kb] risk assessments traffic management plan fire safety plan first aid plan insurance cover licenses ...
Beauty treatments
If you’re planning to offer certain beauty treatments to members of the public you’ll need to apply for a licence from us. These include: massage electric treatment radiant heat, light or electric vapour treatment sauna or other baths for therap...
Submission - Amended Allocations and Development Management DPD
The Amended Allocations & Development Management DPD (AADMDPD), along with its supporting documents has now been submitted to the Secretary of State to be examined by an independent planning inspector. The Submission Version of the Plan was approved ...
Pavement licence
The Government has introduced temporary measures through the Business and Planning Act 2020 to support businesses selling food and drink during the economic recovery while social distancing guidelines remain in place. The Act streamlines the process ...
Publication Core Strategy - Making of the amended core strategy
The Publication Amended Core Strategy was published for a period of representation between 17 July and 1 September 2017. People who felt that the Amended Core Strategy was not 'sound' under the terms of the planning regulations could make a represent...
Which organisations form the SAG? - Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
Our Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is comprised of various partner agencies offering specialist advice on issues related to public safety. This includes: Nottinghamshire County Council highways Nottinghamshire County Council emergency planning Notti...
Next steps - Resident Surveys
Before our current Community Plan (2023-2027) comes to an end, we will launch the next Resident Survey in preparation for building the future Community Plan. More details on how you can complete this survey will be available closer to the time....
Biodiversity and landscape
We’re proud of our natural environment and want to take care of it. That’s why we’ve brought together a range of strategies, planning policies and programmes to protect, maintain and enhance our biodiversity and landscapes. We expect developmen...
Rainwater harvesting and rain garden ideas - Gardening for wildlife
As our climate continues to change, making best use of rainwater in our gardens is increasingly important. Think about introducing water butts, a large planter (dipping pond) a green roof for a shed or bin/log store or a border with plants that thriv...
Safer - Cleaner, Safer, Greener
We're making our district even safer by working together and focusing on: taking an uncompromising approach to the enforcement of anti-social behaviour legislation increasing enforcement around planning and licensing developing the Council's partner...
Apply for a private hire operators licence - Taxi licensing
A private hire operators licence is required in order to be able to accept bookings for private hire vehicles. The District Council licences the premises where the provision is made for the acceptance of private hire bookings. All premises must be wi...
Delivering Infrastructure - Infrastructure to support growth
We’re looking to use a number of sources to fund the infrastructure need. In December 2011 we were the first local authority in England and Wales to introduce the (CIL). The funds obtained through CIL will be used to pay for strategic infrastructu...
Registered battlefields
There are 47 important English battlefields in Historic England's register of historic battlefields. The register exists to give sites protection through the planning system, as well as promoting a better understanding of their significance. Register...
Little Carlton Community Volunteers - Community litter picks
In February, community volunteers from Little Carlton collected more than 40 bags of roadside rubbish from the A616 near to the village, Kelham Lane and Crow Lane. In February 2021 Charles Brightmore and his daughter collected a further 16 black b...
Council's constitution
Newark and Sherwood has a constitution which sets out how we operate, how decisions are made and the procedures we follow to ensure we are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by law, while othe...
Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) - Protecting trees and hedgerows
A TPO is an Order made by the local planning authority in order to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands. TPO trees are usually mature, of good form and, most importantly, can be clearly seen from a public area. However, other factor...
News and travel - Support for older people
BBC Nottingham - for local news, weather, entertainment, sport and things to do Traveline - Public transport timetables and journey planner Blue Badge scheme Concessionary travel passes Accessible transport ...
Scope of this policy - RIPA Policy
This Policy applies to the whole of Newark and Sherwood District Council (“the Council”). It applies to all covert surveillance undertaken by the Council. This includes surveillance relating to core functions such as public protection and safety,...
Reducing the risk - Listed buildings
Maintenance and occupation are essential in preventing heritage from becoming at risk. Maintenance of assets already at risk can prevent them from further decay. Without maintenance, the cost of repair and consolidation escalates; the challenge for o...
Telephone - Contact us
for general enquiries, call 01636 650000 (you can call us between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday). for emergency repairs, call 01636 650000. You can report emergency repairs at any time. to make a payment, call our 24-hour dedicated payment line on ...
Non-licensed notifiable work - Asbestos
Some minor work is notifiable but can be carried out by those who are trained without a need for a license. Find information on notifiable asbestos work [PDF] from the HSE website. In such cases you must: notify the enforcing authority about the wor...
Notification to sell an asset - Assets of community value
If the registered owner intends to sell a registered asset, they must inform the Council of this decision by writing to the Business Manager – Planning Policy & Infrastructure. This act triggers the moratorium on any sale until the protected period...
What happens if archaeological interest is identified at a development site? - Archaeology
If a proposed development site includes, or has the potential to include, heritage assets with archaeological interest, developers must submit an appropriate desk-based assessment and, where necessary, a field evaluation. Desk-based archaeological as...
Grounds maintenance service
We look after and maintain a large amount of green space in Newark and Sherwood, including our parks and open grass areas, as well as the land on our council housing estates and sheltered schemes. The grounds maintenance team complete the following ...
Trees for Climate - Trees and nature conservation
Trees for Climate is a five-year woodland creation programme for larger planting schemes. In Nottinghamshire the programme is delivered by Greenwood Community Forest and the Sherwood Forest Trust. Are you a landowner, farmer or school with land suita...
Current proposed budget - Council budgets
You can find more information about our proposed current year budget in the following documents: Budget Book 2024-25 (PDF File, 9,121kb) Medium Financial Term Plan 2024-28 (PDF File, 802kb)...
Getting to Castle House - Castle House
Car parking Pay and display car parking is available at the front and side of Castle House. For alternative options, visit our page. Public transport Castle House is next to Newark Castle train station and is a 15 minute walk from Newark Northgate t...
Nature-inspired activities for kids - Junior Rangers
Here’s a round-up of some great resources for curious kids to try at home. Help inspire an interest in nature and a commitment to looking after our planet....
Farnsfield Community Spaces - Community litter picks
Farnsfield Community Spaces helps to look after Farnsfield village, keeping it clean and tidy. They plant up and look after the village flower troughs, plant spring bulbs, litter pick and help prepare for the annual best kept village competition and ...
Latest agendas and minutes - Edingley Parish Council
Agendas 10 March 2025 - Agenda (PDF File, 159kb) Flood Meeting - Wednesday 6 December 2024 (PDF File, 8kb) 22.04.24 - Annual Parish Meeting Agenda (PDF File, 42kb) 3 June 2024 - Agenda (PDF File, 50kb) 9 September 2024 (PDF File, 49kb) Planning Meeti...
About Us
Find out more about the Council, including our community plan, how to get in touch with us and how to apply for a job vacancy or work experience placement....
Trees and nature conservation
From the ancient oaks of Sherwood Forest, to flocks of thousands of golden plover wintering on the wetlands of the Trent Valley, our district has a unique biodiversity. The Council helps to protect and promote our wildlife in a number of ways, from p...
Documents - Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2 Stage 2
ENV 10 SFRA Level 2 Pt2 Sept 2012 (PDF File, 563kb) Appendix A - District Boundary Plan, Development Sites Location Plans (PDF File, 2,392kb) Appendix B - Historical Flooding Map (PDF File, 2,202kb) Appendix C - Existing Watercourses Plan, National F...
Key strategies - Council strategies
Community Plan 2023-2027 (PDF File, 11,236kb) Consultation and Engagement Strategy (PDF File, 497kb) Newark & Sherwood Economic Growth Strategy 2021-2026 (PDF File, 1,281kb) Visitor economy strategy 2020-23 (PDF File, 7,849kb) Equality and diversit...
How do I apply for self-build exemption? - Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Find out more details of the specific requirements to qualify for self-build exemption and the procedures to follow to claim it on the Planning Portal website. Apply before you start work by submitting a self-build exemption claim form (Part 1), to...
Working with Partners - Infrastructure to support growth
We recognise the importance and benefits of working with our partners including Nottinghamshire County Council, Newark Business Club and infrastructure providers to deliver new and improved infrastructure and services. This includes: the dualling...
Improving your home yourself (DIY) - Repairs and maintenance
If you’re thinking of making changes to your home you need to let us know first. with details of your plans and wait for written permission before you start any work. ...
Newark Towns Fund
Transformative plans for Newark have been given the go ahead by the Government, following the announcement that Newark is to receive £25 million funding as part of the Government’s Towns Fund initiative....
Disease outbreaks - Public health
We’re responsible for monitoring and reporting any outbreak of infectious disease. We also develop plans and preparations for how the Council will respond in the event of a mass outbreak of disease. ...
Financial information - Edingley Parish Council
Accounts for Year Ended 31 Mar 2024 (PDF File, 144kb) Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-24 (PDF File, 5,233kb) Bank Reconciliation 2023-24 (PDF File, 10kb) Explanation of Variances 2023-24 (PDF File, 18kb) Annual Governance Statement ...