Local listing - Heritage and tree conservation

Local heritage listing is a way for a community and local planning authority to identify heritage assets that are valued as distinctive elements of the local historic environment. Find out more on our page....

When to apply - Street naming and numbering

You should contact us if you: want to add a name or rename your existing property are undertaking conversion of residential, commercial or industrial premises, which will result in the creation of new properties or premises or renaming of old proper...

Unregistered parks and gardens - Parks and gardens conservation

Designed landscapes form an integral part of the heritage of Newark and Sherwood. Whilst a small number of the district’s historic landscapes are on the national register (and therefore receive protection in the planning system), the vast majority ...

Local development framework

Our District faces many future challenges including: providing new housing and jobs creating new infrastructure and facilities tackling climate change The planning system has a key role in helping to manage these changes. The Local Development Fram...

Report Online - Information for New Residents

You can report a number of issues to us as well: Abandoned vehicles Anti-social behaviour Breaks in planning rules Damaged residential bins Damaged street nameplates Dead animals Dog bins Fly-tipping Graffiti or flyposting Housing repairs Litter Lit...

How will scheduling affect me? - Scheduled ancient monuments

If you’re the owner of a scheduled monument (or are acting on behalf of the owner) and wish to carry out works to the monument, you’ll need to apply for prior written permission from the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. ...

How to register an ACV - Assets of community value

Nominations should be made using our ACV nomination form (PDF File, 242kb). You should include as much evidence as possible to assist us in our decision making. We’ll consider nominations in line with our evaluation criteria for an ACV (PDF File, ...

What can't go in your brown bin? - Garden recycling service

plastic plant pots/seed trays bin liners animal bedding food waste including fruit/vegetable peelings treated wood invasive plants such as ...

Housing needs

The Council, as strategic housing authority, has a statutory requirement to undertake regular assessments of future housing requirements within the district. We commissioned Arc4 to undertake a district-wide housing needs assessment (HNA) in 2020. Di...

Examination documents - Amended core strategy examination library

INS/01 Initial query from inspector 3 Nov 2017 (PDF File, 85kb)INS/02 Hearings agenda (with MIQs) (PDF File, 269kb)INS/03 Guidance note for hearings (PDF File, 438kb)INS/04 Post Hearing Note 12 February 2018 (PDF File, 79kb)INS/05 Post Hearing Note 2...

Landscape Character Assessment SPD

Our Landscape Character Assessment Supplementary Planning Document ('LCA SPD') provides an objective assessment of the varied landscape in Newark and Sherwood. It also gives a greater understanding of what makes our landscape locally distinctive. Th...

Regulation 16 Stage Representations - Bulcote Neighbourhood Plan

Regulation 16 Representation - Anglian Water (PDF File, 901kb) Regulation 16 Representation - Coal Authority (PDF File, 153kb) Regulation 16 Representation - Highways England (PDF File, 69kb) Regulation 16 Representation - NCC Highways (PDF File, 49k...

Further information - Collingham Neighbourhood Plan

Collingham Neighbourhood Area Confirmation (PDF File, 411kb) Collingham Neigbourhood Area - Map (PDF File, 1,706kb)...

Our purpose - Community Plan

Newark and Sherwood already has much to be proud of. A captivating history, beautiful countryside, characterful market towns, world renowned businesses and an enviable location at the crossroads of the UK’s transportation network. We want to do all...

Supporting documents - Epperstone Neighbourhood Plan

Character Buildings Profile (PDF File, 4,380kb) Distinctive Views and Vistas (March 19) (PDF File, 3,545kb) Local Green Spaces (PDF File, 2,263kb) Housing Need and Characteristics (PDF File, 936kb) Census 2011 Profile (PDF File, 235kb)...

Supporting documents - Fiskerton-cum-Morton Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Profile (PDF File, 15,656kb) Views & Vistas Overview (PDF File, 4,076kb) Local Greenspace Assessment (PDF File, 20,643kb) Greenspace Assessment (PDF File, 20,643kb)...

Examination of AADMDPD - Plan Review

All information about the Examination of the AADMDPD can be found on the ....

Supporting Evidence Base Documents - Plan Review Evidence Page

The following documents make up the evidence base which supports the production of the Amended Allocations & Development Management DPD....

Previous stages of plan review

At first the was progressed together. However the review of the Core Strategy was progressed ahead of work on the . The Core Strategy element of the review has been completed and the was adopted by Full Council at a meeting held on 7 March 2019....

Second Publication Amended Allocations & Development Management DPD (Sep 23-Nov 23) - Previous stages of plan review

Following the First Publication Consultation in Autumn/Winter 2022, the Council decided that a Second Publication Consultation would be required due to a representation received from the Environment Agency and a change in situation regarding the Gyp...

First Publication Amended Allocations & Development Management DPD (Nov 22-Jan 23) - Previous stages of plan review

In Autumn/Winter 2022, the District Council consulted on the First Publication Amended Allocations and Development Management DPD, alongside a new strategy to meet future housing need of gypsy and travellers in the District and affordable housing pol...

Allocations and Development Management DPD - Options Paper (July 21-Sep 21) - Previous stages of plan review

The Options Report (PDF File, 9,757kb)posed a series of questions regarding changes to the Allocations DPD which may be made in response to the evolving policy and economic situation. In particular, views were sought on Affordable Housing policy, Gy...

Further information - Winthorpe with Langford Neighbourhood Plan

Winthorpe and Langford Neighbourhood Area - Confirmation (PDF File, 411kb) Winthorpe and Langford Parish Map (PDF File, 1,787kb)...

Policies Map

The policies map* shows the most up-to-date policies and proposals set out in the development plan for the District, overlaid onto maps of the area. These policies will be used to assess planning applications. It shows policies within the and polic...

Free Trees from the Woodland Trust - Trees and nature conservation

The Woodland Trust also offers packs of free trees for schools and community groups. They are currently taking applications for trees to be delivered in March 2023. You need to be a school or official organisation and you must be willing to take on t...

TPOs and development - TPO criteria

A TPO cannot be used as a tool to prevent development, but it does mean that the planning process must take account of those trees as a material consideration. In the event that a TPO already exists and planning permission is granted, that decision t...

Gypsy and Traveller call for sites

‌The Council has a new Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (Feb 2020) (PDF File, 2,029kb), which shows how many new pitches need to be provided up to 2033. To help meet the accommodation needs of the district's gypsy and traveller communi...

Tree works - Works to protected trees

We do not provide specialist advice regarding tree works. If you intend to undertake works to trees with a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or in a conservation area, you must provide as much information as possible with your submission.  Please refer ...

Contacting the conservation team - Heritage and tree conservation

Do you need to know whether your building is listed or in a conservation area? Or need advice on repairs and renovations to your historic building?   For free advice on planning and conservation matters around  contact us on conservation@newark-s...

Chairman of the Council

The Chairman of Newark and Sherwood District Council is Councillor Penny Rainbow. Councillor Rainbow has been a District Councillor since 2015 and represents the Southwell ward. Councillor Rainbow is also Vice-Chairman of the Economic Development Com...

Submission to the Secretary of State (10 September 2012) - Making of the Allocations & DM DPD

Following the approval from Full Council the Allocations & Development Management DPD was, on 10 September 2012, submitted to the Secretary of State in order for it to be examined by an independent Planning Inspector. Having considered the matters ra...

Inspector's Report on the examination of the Amended Core Strategy DPD (25 Feb 2019) - Making of the amended core strategy

Following the examination hearings of the Newark and Sherwood Amended Core Strategy DPD, held on 1 and 2 February 2018, the Planning Inspector Mr Paul Griffiths BSc (Hons) BArch IHBC issued his report on the examination of the amended core strategy ...

Find out more - Information for New Residents

Find your local Councillors Find where our car parks are Find information about what you can put in each bin Register a lost animal Seek planning application advice Access ‘MyAccount’ for our tenants Find out about Council Tax bands Find local t...

Discussions prior to submitting a TEN - Temporary events notice

If you’re planning to hold a major event, it’s best to contact us at an early stage before a formal notice is made. This will enable the police to consider and discuss your operating schedule and avoid potential objections and hold ups.  You may...

Local heritage assets

As a planning authority we can identify certain local interest heritage buildings which are not designated nationally. Local heritage assets may include: buildings and structures  local character areas archaeological sites landscapes or landscape f...

Validation checklists

It is very important that you submit all the necessary documentation, information and fees (where applicable) with your planning application. Doing so means we can validate and register your application as efficiently as possible. Further informatio...

Checking if there is any archaeological interest within a proposed development site - Archaeology

Many development sites have the potential for archaeological interest, ranging from complex urban sites to land within the vicinity of medieval churches and those affecting ancient settlement patterns at the fringes of villages. You can search the H...

Neighbourhood studies

Neighbourhood studies are completed with local residents and partners to identify areas of improvement for an area. Each study creates a locally driven document that outlines a long-term plan to guide future decision making and investment in the area...

TPO criteria

Local planning authorities may make a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) if they believe there’s a reasonable degree of public benefit in ensuring a tree is not destroyed. You can view our list of confirmed and provisional (where the Council is current...

Get advice - Support for older people

Pensions and retirement planning Disability benefits Age UK Find a reliable trader - buy with confidence website Consumer rights Nottinghamshire Help Yourself - information and support for communities across Nottinghamshire Parkinson's - provide...

Budgets from previous years - Council budgets

2023/24 Budget Book 2023-24 (PDF File, 7,060kb) Medium Term Financial Plan 2023-27 - Appendix A (PDF File, 283kb) 2022/23 Budget Book 2022/23 (PDF File, 2,792kb) Medium Term Financial Plan 2022 to 26 [51kb] 2021/22 Budget Book 2021/22 (PDF File, 2,32...

Allocations & Dev management DPD examination

Following the examination of the allocations and development management DPD the A&DM DPD Inspectors Report (PDF File, 294kb) was published on 17 May 2013. This report contains the independent Inspectors assessment of the DPD in terms of Section 20(5...

How long will the installation take? - Adaptations for tenants

We commit to completing adaptations in the following timescales: minor adaptations such as grab rails will be completed within seven working days after the receipt of the referral major adaptations we aim to try and complete in 30 days, but some wo...

Proposed Projects for the Newark and Sherwood District - Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects

There are two proposed solar projects for the Newark and Sherwood district.   PS Renewables and Ørsted’s One Earth Solar Project and Elements Green’s Great North Road (GNR) Solar Park.   The Planning Inspectorate (PINs) is the Government Age...

Improvements we’ll make to your Council home - Repairs and maintenance

Parts of your property are renewed on a regular basis including: bathrooms kitchens central heating roofs wiring windows doors We renew the different parts of your Council property based on expected lifespan and/or information received from a prope...

Allocations and development management DPD

The Allocations and Development Management Development Plan Document (PDF File, 10,347kb) forms part of the district's  and was adopted by Full Council on 16 July 2013. This document should be read in conjunction with the Council's Amended and an...

Policies and procedures for conducting and delivering council services - Our policies and procedures

Community plan 2020 - 2023 (PDF File, 3,747kb) Council Enforcement Policy (PDF File, 334kb) ...

Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability

The Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) identifies and assesses potential sites for new housing and employment development. As a result it is an important element of the evidence base informing our process. The stu...

Fees and charges

Each year we publish a list of the services where we make charges. From planning permission to renting a market stall, this sets out the current fees for our chargeable services. Fees and Charges 2024-2025 (PDF File, 1,533kb) if you have any questio...

What can you put in your brown bin? - Garden recycling service

grass cuttings hedge trimmings leaves small branches and twigs (up to 10cm in diameter) plants and weeds cut flowers ...