Infrastructure to support growth
To achieve the vision, objectives and growth envisaged in our core strategy, making sure we have the right infrastructure is key.
Infrastructure can include:
- affordable housing
- education (primary, secondary, post-16 & other)
- health
- highways
- transport and travel
- open space and leisure
- community facilities
- digital infrastructure
- green infrastructure
- flood and water management
- economic development
- land
We’ve produced an infrastructure delivery plan (IDP), identifying existing infrastructure and assessing its capacity to support growth.
Where growth exceeds capacity, we’ve identified the additional infrastructure need. The IDP identifies broad estimated cost, funding sources and who is responsible for delivery.
Infrastructure Funding Statement
We’re required to produce an infrastructure funding statement (IFS) on an annual basis, detailing developer contributions from Section 106 agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
The IFS comprises the following three reports:
- relating to the previous financial year on the CIL
- relating to the previous financial year on Section 106 planning obligations
- on infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure that the authority intends to fund wholly or partly by the levy (excluding the neighbourhood portion)
You can access the statement for the reporting year April 2023 to March 2024, and the data underpinning it, below:
Infrastructure Funding Statement 2024 (PDF File, 589kb)
The raw data associated with this report is contained in the following files:
- CIL Developer Agreement (CSV File, 9kb)
- CIL Developer Agreement Contribution (CSV File, 31kb)
- CIL Developer Agreement Transaction (CSV File, 21kb)
- S106 Developer Agreement (CSV File, 2kb)
- S106 Developer Agreement Contribution (CSV File, 10kb)
- S106 Developer Agreement Transaction (CSV File, 36kb)
This data is provided under the open government licence.
You can access the statement for the reporting year April 2022 to March 2023, and the data underpinning it, below:
Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023 (PDF File, 5,600kb)
The raw data associated with this report is contained in the following files:
- CIL Developer Agreement (CSV File, 8kb)
- CIL Developer Agreement Contribution (CSV File, 25kb)
- CIL Developer Agreement Transaction (CSV File, 17kb)
- S106 Developer Agreement (CSV File, 1kb)
- S106 Developer Agreement Contribution (CSV File, 8kb)
- S106 Developer Agreement Transaction (CSV File, 31kb)
This data is provided under the open government licence.
You can access the statement for the reporting year April 2021 to March 2022, and the data underpinning it, below:
Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022 (PDF File, 4,011kb)
The raw data associated with this report is contained in the following files:
- CIL developer agreement (CSV File, 6kb)
- CIL developer agreement contribution (CSV File, 18kb)
- CIL developer agreement transaction (CSV File, 12kb)
- S106 developer agreement (CSV File, 1kb)
- S106 developer agreement contribution (CSV File, 7kb)
- S106 developer agreement transaction (CSV File, 28kb)
This data is provided under the open government licence.
You can access the statement for the reporting year April 2020 to March 2021, and the data underpinning it, below:
Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021 (PDF File, 3,274kb)
The raw data associated with this report is contained in the following files:
- CIL developer agreement (CSV File, 4kb)
- CIL developer agreement contribution (CSV File, 12kb)
- CIL developer agreement transaction (CSV File, 8kb)
- S106 developer agreement (CSV File, 1kb)
- S106 developer agreement contribution (CSV File, 5kb)
- S106 developer agreement transaction (CSV File, 22kb)
This data is provided under the open government licence.
You can access the statement for the reporting year April 2019 to March 2020, and the data underpinning it, below:
Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020 (PDF File, 2,312kb)
The raw data associated with this report is contained in the following files:
- CIL developer agreement (CSV File, 1kb)
- CIL developer agreement contribution (CSV File, 6kb)
- CIL developer agreement transaction (CSV File, 4kb)
- S106 developer agreement (CSV File, 1kb)
- S106 developer agreement contribution (CSV File, 1kb)
- S106 developer agreement transaction (CSV File, 15kb)
This data is provided under the open government licence.
Delivering Infrastructure
We’re looking to use a number of sources to fund the infrastructure need. In December 2011 we were the first local authority in England and Wales to introduce the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
The funds obtained through CIL will be used to pay for strategic infrastructure in the district. This will include larger scale improvements to the highway network, required because of the growth of the district up to 2033. Such developments cannot be attributed to the development of any one site. We’re also putting contributions towards the expansion of secondary schools across the district.
We’ll also deliver infrastructure using:
- planning obligations used to provide local infrastructure including open space, community facilities, education and health
- infrastructure providers
Nottinghamshire local transport plan sets out Nottinghamshire County Council’s local transport strategy from April 2011 to March 2026 - it details how transport improvements will be delivered in the county and an implementation plan sets out where investment will be prioritized.
Working with Partners
We recognise the importance and benefits of working with our partners including Nottinghamshire County Council, Newark Business Club and infrastructure providers to deliver new and improved infrastructure and services.
This includes:
- the dualling of the A46 around the Newark Northern Bypass
- the Southern Link Road around Newark, which will help reduce traffic flows on routes that are currently congested, provide access to the strategic sites at land south of the town and around Fernwood, and provide an alternative route for east to west traffic
- the A1 overbridge at Fernwood to support the expansion of Fernwood
- infrastructure and timetable improvements to services along the Lincoln – Newark – Nottingham rail corridor including through the replacement of the Newark flat crossing
- A614 corridor improvement works including Ollerton Roundabout
- supporting the delivery of a new community activity village which will be the focus for sport and recreation in Newark and the surrounding area
- regeneration of key town centre sites and buildings including the Buttermarket and 36 Stodman Street
- improvements to walking and cycling facilities across the district
For further information please contact the Planning Policy team by calling 01636 650000 or by emailing
Active Travel Study
In recent years the Government has sought to invest in towns, cities and neighbourhoods to deliver projects which support more active short journeys. This means making active travel more inclusive by removing barriers that make it harder for some to walk, wheel or cycle to their destinations.
In response to the Government’s published Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) in 2017, and encouragement from the Department for Transport (DfT) to develop a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), Nottinghamshire County Council has published a county wide LCWIP . This is a living document which is subject to review on an ongoing basis.
At a local level, and building on the County Council’s LCWIP, Newark and Sherwood District Council has adopted an Active Travel Study with the aim of informing future investments in active travel in the district to encourage and support shorter journeys to work, school and other everyday trips, bringing many benefits to public health. The study methodology is based on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) approach, and includes analysis of background data, including existing travel patterns, and socio-economic indicators to identify areas where improvements to active travel may be most impactful. The study has also considered future population changes and taken into consideration the changes occurring in the district.
Active Travel Feasibility Study (PDF File, 4,856kb)
Appendix A - Plans (PDF File, 17,183kb)
Appendix B - Walking and Cycling Audits (PDF File, 1,326kb)
Appendix C - Design Recommendation Booklet (PDF File, 2,803kb)