Yorke Drive Focus
We have been working hard to develop a masterplan for the existing Yorke Drive estate and Lincoln Road playing fields to improve the safety of the area, build more homes for rent and sale, and make it a nicer place to live.
The community has been involved at every step of the way, through a range of engagement and consultation events to refine the plans.
The broad vision for Yorke Drive includes:
- a mix of private and social homes, in different sizes, which are suitable for a range of families
- create an attractive and welcoming entrance off Lincoln Road
- improve linkages between Yorke Drive and the surrounding area
- improve the energy efficiency of homes
- increase car parking allowance across Yorke Drive and include electric vehicle charge points
- ensure the pavilion and green space remain protected and central to the design – giving more residents access to recreational space and enhancing the quality of the pitches and facilities
- create a safer place to live
Our plans
In October 2024, revised plans were submitted to planning for consideration, following comments received from Nottinghamshire County Council Highways, Sport England and Planning. To address the comments from these organisations, a significant re-design of the proposals was required, which saw a reduction in the number of homes being delivered, from a maximum of 320 homes to now 207.
All the originally agreed sports provision remains the same but the proposal now includes more open space and landscaping across the site.
You can view all the submitted plans and documents by visiting the District Council’s planning portal. The planning application reference is 22/01528/RMAM.
The submitted plans replace the detail previously submitted under the Reserved Matters application.
Due to the scale of this project, it will be delivered over several phases, with improvements to the playing fields, delivery of the new sports pavilion and new homes required for existing residents whose homes are within the area for demolition. Further details on the phasing will be provided here shortly.
Resident Impact and Involvement
The project aims to improve the whole of the estate and the open spaces, which will have a positive impact upon all residents within the area.
There will also be a direct impact on some residents whose homes fall within the intended demolition area. A Decant Strategy and Compensation Policy (PDF File, 5,790kb) are in place to ensure that these residents are afforded the opportunity to remain on the estate if they choose. Residents directly impacted by demolition and rehousing will have had direct contact from the project team to discuss their future housing needs.
Residents have formed a Resident Panel with its own Code of Conduct Yorke Drive Resident's Panel (PDF File, 435kb) and Terms of Reference Yorke Drive Resident's Panel (PDF File, 797kb). Anyone wishing to join the panel should email yorkedrive@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk. The Resident Panel has been involved throughout the design process and the procurement of the preferred developer and meets every two months.
Residents are also kept informed through the Yorke Drive Focus newsletter, which is created and distributed bi-monthly, and contains the latest information on the regeneration project, as well as activities and events organised by the Resident Panel. A copy of the latest edition can be viewed here: Yorke Drive Focus newsletter November 2024 (PDF File, 808kb).
Meet the team
To make the vision of Yorke Drive a reality, we have a skilled project team in place which is committed to regenerating the estate to improve it and make it a safer place for its community to live. The project team includes:
- Newark and Sherwood District Council – will manage the project
- Lovell Partnerships – appointed as the preferred contractor to deliver the scheme through their regeneration arm Compendium Living
Get in touch
If you would like more information about this project, or to speak with a member of the team, please contact yorkedrive@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk
You can also keep up to date with the latest project news by following our Yorke Drive Focus Facebook page.
To view the communications and supporting documents relating to Yorke Drive please visit our Yorke Drive documents webpage.