Newark and Sherwood District Council is committed to making information available wherever it is possible to do so.
The Local Government transparency code 2015 sets out:
- the minimum data that local authorities should publish
- the frequency it should be published
- how it should be published
The publication of spending information enables residents to challenge how council money is spent
Details of council spending for amounts of £500 or more.
Details of every transaction made on a government procurement card.
Find out more about what a government procurement card is and how it should be used on the National Audit Office website.
Procurement information
Details of any invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds for £5,000 can be found on our tendering for Council contracts webpage.
Local authority land
A list detailing all land and property owned by the council is currently being reviewed and will be published shortly.
Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
Find details of all grants awarded to community, arts and sports projects.
Organisation chart
Trade Union facility time - central function employees
The Council recognises the following Trade Unions:
GMB who has 1 representative.
UNISON who has 2 representatives.
UNITE who has 2 representatives.
The 5 representatives shown above represent 5 full time equivalent staff.
0% of working hours: |
1 representative |
1 to 50% of working hours: |
4 representatives |
51 to 99% of working hours: |
0 representatives |
100% of working hours: |
0 representatives |
During the financial year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 a total of 84.83 hours, 11.46 full time equivalent days, were spent by union representatives on facility time at a cost of £1,684.64, representing an estimated 0.01% of the total pay bill.
A total of zero hours were spent by union representatives on trade union activities therefore the percentage of total paid facility time hours spent on paid TU activities is 0.00%.
Parking revenues and controlled spaces
Details of revenue collected from on-street and off-street parking charges and from parking enforcement notices can be found in Section 14 of our statement of accounts.
Details of car parking in the district and controlled parking spaces data 2023-24 (CSV File, 1kb).
Senior salaries
Details of employees whose remuneration exceeds £50,000.
Council's constitution
Our constitution sets out how we operate, how decisions are made and the procedures that are followed to ensure these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.
Read more about the Council's constitution.
Pay multiple
The ratio between the highest paid salary and the median salary of the whole workforce. Details of this can be found in section 4.6 of the council's pay policy statement.
Gender pay gap
The gender pay gap legislation, introduced in April 2017, requires private and public sector employers with more than 250 employees to report the following information on an annual basis:
- the difference between the mean and median average hourly rate of pay for male and female employees
- the proportion of men and women in each quartile of the pay bands
- the gender pay gap for any bonuses paid out during the year (note: the Council does not pay bonuses)
Read our latest Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2023 (PDF File, 151kb)
Details of the Council's activity to detect and address fraud.
The National Fraud Initiative matches electronic data within and between public and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud.
Councillor allowances
Councillors are not paid a salary, but they are entitled to allowances and expenses to cover some of the costs of carrying out their public duties. Find out more about councillor allowances and declarations of interest.
Open data
Find out more about applying to re-use our data under the terms detailed on the Open Government Licence.
Social housing asset value
Local authorities are required to publish details of the value of social housing stock that is held in their housing revenue accounts, annually. You can download these reports below.