Submitting an application
There are a number of different types of application that can be submitted as part of the planning process, including:
- full planning permission
- outline planning permission
- change of use of land or buildings
- confirmation of compliance with conditions
- applications for a non-material amendment
We actively encourage the submission of planning applications online. Most planning application forms can be completed and submitted online using the Planning Portal.
If you submit your application online or by post, make sure you have read our planning checklists before submitting them.
If you prefer to use paper forms to submit your application offline, please visit the Planning Portals website for further details, including the Planning Portal Paper Form Chooser which enables you to download forms.
Should you wish to submit an ‘Application to Modify or Discharge a Section 106 Planning Obligation’, unfortunately the application form is unavailable from the Planning Portal. You can download the form here: Application to Modify or Discharge a Section 106 Planning Obligation form (PDF File, 399kb)
Our planning application process page explains what happens after you submit your application.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
You should be aware of the start of Mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) which starts on 12 February 2024 and take account of local BNG policy requirements which can be found on our BNG and landscape website.
Planning fees
Most applications need a planning fee. The decision to charge for planning applications has been made by Parliament and therefore the scale of fees is the same throughout England and Wales.
Planning fees increase confirmed.
The Government released details on when planning fees will increase and by how much (affecting applications in England only).
The regulations also introduce an annual inflation-related increase in fees from 1 April 2025. The increase will be at the rate of the consumer price index from the previous September, capped to a maximum of 10%.
Further information is available on the Planning Portals website.
You can calculate the fee of your planning application using the fee calculator available at the Planning Portal.
There are some exemptions to fees and more information can be found in our fees and charges document. Upon receipt of your application, we’ll check the fee is correct.
We have also produced a planning fees and charges supplementary guidance document (PDF File, 906kb) to assist with certain applications that often raise queries.
You can pay using our online payment service by clicking this link and selecting the 'Planning Applications' option in the 'Items' list. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you submit your application online through the Planning Portal, you can pay when you apply.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) may need to be paid if planning permission is granted for your proposal.
Help with your planning application
To make sure you have all the relevant information with your application, we offer a pre-application advice service.
This service allows you to speak to a planning officer to identify and resolve any issues which may come up during the application process and consequently means a decision can be secured more quickly.