Southwell Leisure Centre

This webpage contains all relevant information relation to Southwell Leisure Centre.

Current position

A date for mediation between Newark and Sherwood District Council and Southwell Leisure Centre Trust has been set as 26 March 2025.  Further updates, following mediation, will be published on this webpage.

Background information

Statements issued in relation to Southwell Leisure Centre

Newark and Sherwood District Council has released a number of statements in relation to Southwell Leisure Centre.  These can be accessed via the links below and provide background information on the swimming pool at Southwell Leisure Centre:

8 November 2023: Newark and Sherwood District Council and Active4Today's response to Robert Jenrick's open letter regarding Southwell Leisure Centre

23 November 2023: Joint statement from Newark and Sherwood District Council and Active4Today regarding the main swimming pool at Southwell Leisure Centre

15 December 2023: District Council propose to invest £5.5m in new swimming facilities in Southwell

20 December 2023: Council agrees £5.5million investment for new Southwell swimming facility

19 January 2024: Statement from Newark and Sherwood District Council and Active4Today regarding Southwell Leisure Centre.

7 February 2024: Southwell Leisure Centre Update

1 May 2024: Update on Southwell Leisure Centre from Newark and Sherwood District Council.

9 May 2024: Update on Southwell Leisure Centre from Newark and Sherwood District Council.

8 January 2025: Update from Newark and Sherwood District Council on Southwell Leisure Centre


Reports and documents available in relation to Southwell Leisure Centre

There are a number of relevant reports and documents available in relation to Southwell Leisure Centre, these are available in the links below:

September 2020: Letter of comfort in relation to COVID-19 pandemic.

22 March 2023: Health and safety works Southwell Leisure Centre (notice of a key decision)

31 October 2023: Recording and agenda from Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 31 October, agenda item 55: Southwell Leisure Centre Works (Key Decision)

19 December 2023: Recording and agenda from Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 19 December, agenda item 76: Southwell Leisure Centre Pool works (Key Decision)

23 January 2023: Recording and agenda from Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 23 January 2024, agenda item 81: Chair’s Update

20 February 2024: Recording and agenda from Cabinet meeting on 20 February, agenda item 102: Southwell Leisure Centre

7 March 2024: Recording and agenda from Cabinet meeting on 7 March, agenda item 82: Petition entitled ‘Stop the Closure of Southwell Swimming Pool’

14 May 2024: Recording and agenda from Cabinet meeting on 14 May, agenda item 134: Southwell Leisure Centre Update