Repairs you're responsible for - Repairs and maintenance

There are some property maintenance jobs that you as the tenant are responsible for. Any repairs you complete, or ask someone else to complete on your behalf, must be carried out to a good standard. Certified engineers must be used for some repairs,...

What does the SAG do? - Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

The SAG members will review documents created by the event organiser, including the: event management plan - download our event management plan template [112kb] risk assessments traffic management plan fire safety plan first aid plan insurance cover...

Silver bin for recycling

Your silver wheeled bin is for your recyclables. Your grey bin with a teal lid is for your glass. Currently less than 5% of waste in Nottinghamshire is sent to landfill and that is thanks to everyone playing their part in helping to recycle. Help us...

Public registers - Pollution

Public registers allow you to check facts. They might provide what is needed to put your mind at rest about an environmental issue or give you the necessary information to raise questions with the people concerned. Contact the Environment Agency if y...

Advice on hiring tree contractors - Works to protected trees

Tree work needs to be undertaken safely and in the best interest of the tree. Pruning trees at any height or using dangerous tools are jobs where you should only consider using a skilled tree surgeon or arboriculturalist. One of the best place to fin...

How to pay a fine - Fixed penalty notices

FPN issued by District Enforcement Officer If you have been issued an FPN by an Environmental Crime Officer employed by District Enforcement, and wish to discharge your liability from prosecution by making payment please use the following methods. Yo...

You said, we did

In 2018, we delivered a resident survey to help understand the views of our residents. We listened to our residents and used what they said to develop our Community Plan which contains 7 core areas of focus. This plan forms the foundations of what we...

What actions are we taking now? - Climate change emergency

Across the Council, there are several actions already underway to help combat the climate emergency. These include: reporting on our carbon footprint annually. Climate Emergency Update 2022 [181kb] minimising the use of peat in all our gardening...

Statutory legislation - Public Protection Privacy Notice

This is not an exhaustive list: Animal Health Act 1981 Animal Health and Welfare Act 1984 Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 Animal Welfare Act 2006 Animals Act 1971 Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and...

Recent and upcoming projects - Motion for the Ocean

Graffiti Hotspot Transformation In April 2024, pupils from Barnby Road Academy helped to transform a graffiti hotspot with bright and colourful works of art at Barnby Road bridge underpass. Councillor Paul Taylor, Portfolio Holder for Public Protecti...