RIPA Policy

The Council has a RIPA Policy and Procedure (PDF File, 385kb) setting out the scope of the laws relating to covert surveillance, the circumstances where it applies, the procedures that must be followed for authorising any covert surveillance and the considerations that must be taken in to account for use and authorising of any covert surveillance.

Scope of this policy

This Policy applies to the whole of Newark and Sherwood District Council (“the Council”). It applies to all covert surveillance undertaken by the Council.

This includes surveillance relating to core functions such as public protection and safety, planning enforcement and housing management that is carried out under the provisions of the Regulations of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA), and all other covert surveillance

Further guidelines and advice on RIPA procedures are also on the Council’s intranet for Council officer use only.

Principles and Commitments

The Council is committed to being open and transparent in the way that it works and delivers services, including the use of covert surveillance.

Wherever possible, overt (non-secret) investigation techniques should be used.

Key actions to meet the commitments set out in the policy

  • Detailed guidance and forms are supplied for use by staff seeking authorisation for covert surveillance activities.
  • Senior officers with appropriate training approve all authorisations.
  • Some authorisations also require magistrate court approval – this approval will be sought where required.