Norwell Parish Council
A parish council is the first tier of local government and closest to the community it serves. There are seven councillor posts on Norwell Parish Council, all of whom have voting rights. We employ a parish clerk to administer the parish council’s affairs. The clerk is also the responsible financial officer.
Like district and county councillors, parish councillors are elected once every four years. Vacancies occurring between elections are filled either by election or co-option.
All parish councillors are resident in Norwell parish, this includes both Norwell and Norwell Woodhouse. Parish councillors are unpaid volunteers.
- Lynne Johnson
- Penny McQuilkin (Vice Chair )
- Ashleigh Robertshaw (Chair)
- Richard South
- Lucy Whate
District and County councillors
Find your district councillor (Muskham)
Find your county councillor on the Nottinghamshire County council website.
The dates for the Parish Council meetings up to May 2024 can be found below. Agendas will be posted in the Parish noticeboards and will also be available on the Norwell & Norwell Woodhouse Parish Council Facebook page. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Thursday, 22 June
Thursday 27 July
Thursday, 28 September
Thursday, 26 October
Thursday, 23 November
Thursday, 25 January
Thursday, 22 February
Thursday, 28 March
Thursday, 25 April
Tuesday, 21 May (Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council) Meeting to be held at Norwell School, School Lane, Norwell.
All meetings are held in Norwell Village Hall and commence at 6.30pm
General documents
Finance Documents 2022-23
Notice of Public Rights [44kb]
Signed Annual Governance Statement 2022-23 (PDF File, 553kb)
Signed Accounting Statements 2022-23 (PDF File, 544kb)
Signed Annual Internal Auditors Report 2022-23 (PDF File, 653kb)
Signed Exemption Certificate 2022-23 (PDF File, 603kb)
Explanation of Variances 2022-23 [48kb]
Finance Documents 2021-22
Accounts for Year ending 31 Mar 2022 (PDF File, 25kb)
Notice of public rights and publication of annual governance and accountability (PDF File, 23kb)
If you would like to view previous agendas, minutes or documents, please contact the Parish Clerk.
Useful links
Notify a highways issue, a pothole or a faulty street light to Nottinghamshire County Council.