District Council has moved to the next stage of funding for Ollerton and Clipstone investment

Posted on: Monday, June 3, 2024

Newark and Sherwood District Council has received confirmation that they have successfully completed the validation process for the funding bid for Ollerton and Clipstone. This confirmation takes the council into the final stages of securing the £20m cash injection after the initial ‘in principle’ announcement in November 2023.

The Clipstone and Ollerton projects, by providing new community facilities, will be transformational for both towns, providing enhanced sports, education, sustainable industrial units and visitor facilities at Clipstone and a new public service hub, library, retail, housing and a cinema at Ollerton.

Thanks to the announcement that funding will be released both projects are on target to be completed in Spring 2026.

“This grant is vitally important and long overdue given years of under-investment both locally and regionally. It has been matched by District Council contributions, which will allow the delivery of projects that are genuinely transformational and wanted by these communities. It’s important to remember that this flagship cash injection is only part of the story in the west of our district. We are determined to see this project through alongside all the other commitments we have in the area,” explains Councillor Paul Peacock, Leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council.

“Two weeks ago, we opened a new community hub in Boughton, this will bring much needed community support for our tenants and residents, helping them to tackle local issues as well as being a space for local groups and clubs to meet and provide vocational and academic courses for residents.

“Further afield, in Bilsthorpe we are currently exploring potential opportunities in relation to community facilities, in partnership with the parish council to help local residents.

“Over the past year Newark and Sherwood District Council has been working really hard and we have a clear focus to deliver an economic growth strategy that benefits those communities where the need is greatest. We are keen that Newark and Sherwood District Council is seen as dependable, reliable and friendly,” concludes Councillor Peacock.

A video featuring Paul Peacock around this issue can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/YV9U5uNitUg