The District Council announces enhanced Public Space Protection Orders, shaped by local community

Posted on: Thursday, July 25, 2024

The District Council is pleased to announce that work towards creating a safer Newark and Sherwood continues, with the final approval and implementation of updated Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) across key areas of the district.

The final approval follows a comprehensive review of the existing PSPOs in place across the district. The review included a two-stage public consultation, through which over 500 responses were received, with the comments and feedback given by residents, businesses, partner agencies and wider groups analysed at each stage to shape the consultation and the resulting final list of orders.

PSPOs help preserve and protect the community and local areas and are designed to promote responsible behaviour by addressing specific issues such as dog fouling, littering and anti-social behaviour in public spaces. Orders can include measures to restrict certain activities that negatively impact the local community, from town centres and residential areas to parks and green spaces. Anyone found in violation of a PSPO could be faced with a fine.

Councillor Paul Taylor, Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Community Relations at Newark and Sherwood District Council said: “Public consultations are a great way for residents to have their voice heard and have a hand in creating the community they deserve, and this review has allowed us to listen to our residents, businesses and partners to ensure these measures are tailored to the needs of our district.”

The updated list of Public Space Protection Orders for Newark and Sherwood now includes:

Dog control – A district wide order, this enables enforcement for dog fouling across the district and sets out location where dogs are either excluded, must be on lead or must be placed on lead. Additional areas of Gunthorpe have been included following resident’s recommendations, consideration in the second stage of the public survey and Gunthorpe Parish Council’s approval.

Dispersal – This order allows officers to give direction to leave any area due to anti-social behaviour. Continuation of orders at the below sites has been supported by Police data:

• Newark Town Centre
• Balderton Lakes
• Coronation Park, Balderton
• Lakeside Shopping Centre, Balderton

Following the feedback from the survey and support from local Police, an additional area of Hawtonville covering the businesses and surrounding streets of Churchill Avenue has also been included.

Fire Control – This enforces the prohibition of fires and BBQs. An existing order is in place at Vicar Water Country Park and a new order has been approved for Sconce and Devon Park, with a vast majority of respondents from each stage of the surveys strongly agreeing or agreeing with the proposal to introduce fire controls at the park. Both of these sites have a history of fire-related incidents and Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service supports the orders.

Alcohol control – This order is in place in Newark Town Centre and, following the review, the order now requires alcohol to be removed rather than allowing the individual to consume any remaining alcohol.

Restriction of Vehicles –The order has been introduced to enforce the restriction of access to Eakring Road in order to prevent nuisance vehicles and protect the area, including the nationally beloved Sherwood Forest, from being blighted by industrial-scale fly tipping and the unacceptable environmental damage this can cause.

Councillor Taylor continues: “We remain as committed to tackling ASB rates as ever, and this updated list of PSPO’s takes us in yet another step in the right direction. For example, by expanding the areas covered by dispersal orders in Newark Town Centre and amending the alcohol controls we can crackdown more effectively in areas we know residents have concerns about.

“We know many of the issues PSPOs tackle are important to residents, and they are also a great tool to encourage and enforce long-term behaviour change. I’d like to thank everyone that got involved and had their say; together we are creating a safer future for Newark and Sherwood.”
To find out more about Newark and Sherwood’s Public Space Protection Orders visit: