Response to Newark MP regarding sponsorship of Newark Community and Sports Awards

Posted on: Thursday, August 15, 2024

Please see below a letter from Councillor Paul Peacock, Leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council addressed to Newark MP Robert Jenrick regarding sponsorship of Newark Community and Sports Awards. 

Dear Robert,

Thank you for your letter dated 14th August. As you know only too well, all Councils wear more than one hat when dealing with developers.

When it comes to Nationally Significant Infrastructure schemes (NSIPS) we have a role as the Planning Authority and a separate one liaising with the developer to ensure maximum benefit through a community fund in the event that planning permission is granted.

Let me assure you and (as this letter is being made public) the residents of Newark and Sherwood, that there is zero connection between Elements Green’s sponsorship of the Community Awards and the ongoing planning process. This has no bearing on the Council’s position and observations we will make regarding the Solar Park proposals; our Planning Authority role is absolutely distinct from other functions of the Council. And of course it is not Newark and Sherwood who will make the decision on this application, but central Government.

I do accept, however, that public perception is important in these things. Given the local sensitivities surrounding the proposed Solar Park proposals, I’ve decided it is best to withdraw Elements Green’s sponsorship of an award. The District Council will sponsor the award instead and I am sorry if there has been any perceived conflict of interest, which is absolutely not the case. As someone who has had difficult experiences of your own making misjudgements in planning related matters, I welcome your advice and share your view that the public expectation of transparency in public affairs should be high.

Over the years we have been extremely grateful to our sponsors of the Community and Sports Awards which is a fantastic celebration acknowledging the amazing contribution of volunteers and community champions across our district. However, following your advice Newark and Sherwood District Council will be reviewing our criteria for accepting sponsorship for our Community and Sports Awards in the future.

Finally on the wider question of Solar Park developments in our district, I agree with you that this is a contentious issue and I would welcome the opportunity for you and I to meet and discuss in detail how we might jointly work in the interests of residents. Please let me know your earliest convenience for such a meeting.

Kind regards,
Councillor Paul Peacock