Additional funding secured for Yorke Drive’s regeneration
Posted on: Thursday, November 25, 2021A Newark and Sherwood District Council led project to regenerate Yorke Drive in Newark has been awarded £1.05m from the government following a successful bid for funding to help accelerate the works.
Earlier this month, the Yorke Drive Residents’ Panel met for the first time face-to-face since the pandemic where they had the opportunity to find out more about what the new funding from the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) means for the future of the estate and what would happen next.
The Yorke Drive and Lincoln Road Playing Fields regeneration project aims to transform the estate through building new mixed tenure homes for rent and sale, providing an improved sports and leisure facility including a new sports pavilion and improving the road network in the area.
Outline Planning Permission for the development of up to 320 homes was secured in November 2019.
Following this, the results from detailed site investigations meant the Council needed to take time to consider the findings and work through the options available. As a result, an element of redesign of the proposals is now being explored and it is hoped the revised design will be available for consultation with residents in January 2022.
An update on the project was presented to the District Council’s Homes and Communities Committee earlier this week (Monday 22 November) including an outline summary on what properties have already been acquired and decanted in order for the works to move forward.
Members also heard how as part of the grant funding agreement with DLUHC the delivery of the new play pavilion with an enhanced playing field and open space provision can be brought forward, providing appropriate alternative accommodation is identified for the current users for the duration of the development works.
Councillor David Lloyd, Leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council, said: “At the recent panel meeting, residents of the Yorke Drive estate were reassured of the Council’s ongoing commitment to the regeneration scheme and we listened to any other concerns and discussed how we will work with residents in the future.
“We understand the recent delay has been frustrating and worrying for some residents and we are looking forward to moving ahead with the next milestone as a result of our successful bid for funding.
“This project remains a priority for the District Council and the plans will transform the estate, making it a safer place to live for residents and families with new homes meeting the latest specifications and an improved playing field and open space provision.”