Irena Sendler Young Person Award
Newark and Sherwood District Council and Newark Town Council have launched the Irena Sendler Young Person Award.
The award scheme is open to all Newark and Sherwood schools and welcomes nominations for young people who have supported, assisted and helped others who are less fortunate than themselves. This could be an act of kindness to help someone else or getting involved in an initiative or activity to improve the physical, emotional and psychological of others in need of support.
The scheme will recognise one Primary and one Secondary school winner from the Newark area and likewise from the Sherwood area. Each winner will receive a voucher and certificate, and the nominating school will also receive a contribution of £125 towards learning resources.
Each school can nominate up to two students.
We are currently accepting nominations for the Irena Sendler Young Person Award. To nominate a pupil please read through the submission guidance document below and complete the nomination form. Please email completed forms to
- Irena Sendler Young Person Award submission guidance (PDF File, 156kb)
- Irena Sendler Young Person Award nomination form [274kb]
The closing date for nominations is Friday 27 June 2025.
If you have any questions or queries please do get in touch either by emailing or by calling 01636 650 000.