Intake Wood

Intake Wood (NG21 9EZ) lies within the heart of the historic Sherwood Forest area, with the land originally forming part of the medieval Royal Hunting Forest. At that time traditional habitats would have been a mix of heathland, acid grassland and scrub with areas of oak birch woodland. Since the 20th Century the landscape of Sherwood has changed dramatically and this is very evident in Intake Wood which was used as a commercial forestry plantation.

The underlying soils are created from the Triassic Sherwood Sandstones of the region and are nutrient poor, pebbly and free draining. 

Until 2002 Intake Wood was under private ownership. Once development of the Cavendish Way was completed in 2006 ownership of the wood was transferred from Bovis Homes to Newark and Sherwood District Council.

A Tree Preservation Order is placed on the whole of Intake Wood.

Summer update from our Park Ranger

Park rangers undertake regular inspections and litter picking in the wood. We ask that walkers please take their litter home or use the litter bin at the park entrances.

Also if anyone sees motorbikes or quad bikes in the wood please report this to the local Clipstone police using 101.

We are managing the wood for wildlife and motor vehicles cause damage, as well as spoiling the wood for families and dog walkers.

Volunteering tasks are being planned for the summer with the Miner 2 Major project team and Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. Contact us to get involved.

Habitat management

Intake wood covers almost 13 ha comprising of mostly commercial pine (Scots and Corsican) with small pockets of semi-natural broadleaf trees including oak and birch.

The aim for the site is a slow reversion to native oak-birch woodland with areas of heathland regeneration along the wayleaves and rides.

We have recently commissioned EMEC Ecology to appraise the wood and produce a 10 year Habitat Management Plan. The draft plan will be available for consultation in spring 2021.

The plan will involve partitioning the wood and thinning / removing the pine, slowly reverting the site to native oak-birch. We will aim to maintain a mosaic of woodland habitats and glades, create standing deadwood habitats and manage the wayleaves as heathland and acid grassland.

We will create supplementary habitats for local wildlife including installing bat and bird boxes and create areas of bare ground for bees, butterflies and burrowing insects.

The plan will include community involvement and we will provide opportunities for locals to get involved with volunteer task days. Hopefully there will be enough local interest and involvement to form a 'Friends of Intake Wood' group. 

It is proposed that Intake Wood be designated as a Local Nature Reserve as soon as the new habitat management plan has been adopted.

Community Involvement

We are encouraging community involvement with the wood and in doing so we hope to increase local people's awareness and enjoyment of the site.

There are opportunities for scrub bashing and removing invasive species including Himalayan Balsam. There are also opportunities to plant hedges and trees and create wildlife habitats as well as monitoring and surveying local wildlife.

Please contact Park Ranger Alex Gunnell via email

Forest school

We offer a forest school featuring a fun outdoor learning programme for children aged five to ten. It’s available in our parks in Newark, Ollerton and Clipstone.

Miner 2 Major

Miner to Major is an exciting five-year land management project (2019 to 2023) supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The scheme is delivering a range of projects that celebrate and help protect the diverse wildlife, important habitats and rich heritage of Sherwood Forest.

There are lots of opportunities to get involved with volunteering, have-a-go activities, restoring natural habitats, monitoring threatened species, planting hedges and trees, improving walking trails, free training and up-skilling courses, surveying historic buildings, learning traditional crafts and learning about local legends and heroes.

There are opportunities to take part in activities at locations including Rainworth Heath, Budby Forest, Sherwood Forest, Vicar Water Country Park, Intake Wood and Sherwood Heath.

Find out more about how to get involved on the Miner to Major website.

Park rules

Help us prevent fire, litter and wildlife damage. BBQ's, campfires and fireworks are not permitted in the park.

Sky lanterns and helium balloon releases are now banned in our council parks.