Housing service performance

Our staff work hard delivering the best possible service to our tenants and customers. This is reflected in our performance.

Tenant Satisfaction Measure Report

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures came into force from 1st April 2023, reportable from 1st April 2024.  The Transparency, Influence and Accountability Consumer Standard set by the Regulator of Social Housing requires all registered providers of social housing to collect and report annually on their performance using a core set of defined measures. These measures are called the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM). The TSMs provide tenants with greater transparency about their landlord’s performance.

Tenant Satisfaction Measure Report 2023/24 (PDF File, 299kb)

Tenant Satisfaction Measures Summary [27kb]

Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Landlord Measures (PDF File, 123kb)

STAR report

We complete a Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) every year.

STAR Report 2020/21 (PDF File, 317kb)

STAR Report 2021/22 (PDF File, 328kb)

STAR Report 2022/23 (PDF File, 339kb)

Tenant Annual Report

Every year we publish a report detailing key information about our service performance and the satisfaction levels with our service. The latest Tenant Annual Report is available on our website. 


Annual review of complaints

One of the requirements of the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code, is that the Council publishes an annual review of complaints relating to housing services. This report details the number of complaints received, the response times and importantly the lessons we have learned from complaints.

Annual Review of Housing Services Complaints - April to March 2024 (PDF File, 215kb)

Overview of 2023/24 complaints

We received 226 complaints during 2023/24 – 208 stage 1 and 18 progressed to stage 2.  This was a 37% increase on the previous year. 

The most common themes were ‘time taken to complete repairs’, ‘staff conduct’ and ‘contractor’.  94% of complaints regarding time taken to complete repairs were either upheld or partially upheld.  Work is underway to establish how we can improve repair timescales and aim to reduce the number of complaints in this area. 

Satisfaction with complaints handling increased in 2023/24 by 10% from the previous year and this is something we are continuously working on to try to improve.  It is hoped the new Housing Ombudsman complaint handling code requirements will help us to drive improvements further.