Improving our housing management system
We use a digital system to manage your tenancy, rent account, repairs and servicing, letting homes as well as any communications you have with us around housing services. We’re always looking at providing the best value for money and finding ways to make improvements to the way we work.
It’s time to move to a more modern system - which ensures we can use information to better shape services to meet your needs, enabling more online services for those who prefer and freeing up time for queries that need to be face-to-face. After a lot of hard work, we are preparing to move to a new system in May 2025.
When our new system is live, you will have a service that:
- is user friendly with improved self-service functionality giving you more control
- has improved security for your personal information
- can work well on various devices
- makes it simpler and quicker for you to submit repairs, contact us and more.
It will take a few weeks to ensure our staff are trained and during this time there will be some changes to how we deliver services to you.
We'll be switching off our online repairs service for a few weeks starting from week commencing Monday 31 March. If you do need to raise a repair, please call 01636 650 000.
Our MyAccount service will also be offline from week commencing Monday 21 April. We’ll be contacting users of the service to make them aware of the changes taking place. It will be replaced with a brand-new improved tenant portal.
We will be maintaining essential services throughout this time and aim to keep disruption to a minimum.