Greener schools programme

Our children are our future - and helping them to understand the impact of waste on the planet as well as how to care for our green spaces is crucial.

We help schools with:

  • recycling its materials
  • providing talks and events
  • arranging litter picking
  • creating and maintaining school gardens
  • accessing other resources including national campaigns and information on preserving our trees and woodlands

Plastic's Got Talent resources for schools

Our Environmental Services team invite you and your class to take part in a fantastic competition! You can access the Resources for school on our website. 

Recycle Right resources for schools

The Environmental Services team have created a suite of resources for Key Stage 2 and 3 teachers to engage their class with recycling, teaching them how to do it properly and why in a fun and interactive way.

KS2 Resources

There are two versions of the resources, one using cartoons which may be more suitable for lower KS2 and one with photographs which teachers of upper KS2 may prefer. You can find the instructions for both here: KS2 Recycle Right Instructions (PDF File, 290kb)

KS2 Recycle Right resources with cartoons

KS2 Recycle Right resources with photographs

KS3 Resources

Reducing school waste

There are lots of ways your school can look at reducing the amount of waste you throw away.

Waste prevention is a better environmental option and usually cheaper than either recycling or waste disposal.

Here are some ideas to reduce the amount of waste your school generates:

  • encourage students to bring waste-free packed lunches and reusable water bottles
  • have refill points available for students to refill their water bottles rather than bringing plastic bottles
  • support teachers in making double-sided photocopies where possible and printing only when necessary
  • try and keep electronic copies of files instead of printing everything out
  • if paper has only been written or printed on one side, keep it in a tray to use it as scrap paper for messages, notes and lists
  • encourage staff and students to use recycling bins correctly
  • create a school garden and learn about composting using food waste from the school kitchen
  • build a plastic bottle greenhouse for the school garden
  • create recycling art from waste for example bottle top mosaics
  • create special recycling points for items such as crisp packets, bottle tops and ink cartridges

Schools' recycling service

‌As part of our commitment to increase recycling rates in the district, we offer a waste recycling service to schools in Newark and Sherwood.

Simply purchase a special school recycling bin and we’ll collect it fortnightly, free of charge. We offer 1,100 litre bins for purchase and as a guide, schools are limited to one bin per 100 pupils.

All we ask is that you ensure the bin is easily accessible for collection. Contact us to find out more.

School visits

Children aged seven and above can visit the Materials Recovery Facility in Mansfield to find out what happens to their recycling.

Veolia can also arrange to visit your school to lead a variety of sessions on waste management and recycling. You can find out more on how to arrange a school visit or session on Veolia’s website.

Recycling support for schools

Our Environmental Services Team visits local schools, giving talks on recycling at assemblies and in classrooms. We can also help your school to organise community litter picks.

Eco-schools programme

Eco-schools is a global programme that operates in 67 countries. It’s managed in the UK by Keep Britain Tidy and is all about empowering children and teens to improve their environment.

Programmes are available for both primary and secondary students and schools can register for free to access Eco-schools resources that will help get the whole school involved in exciting environmental projects.

Community Recycle Scheme

The Community Recycle Scheme support schools with free stock and end of line items including:

  • polycarbonate sheets
  • shade sails
  • post pads
  • outdoor furniture

School gardens

School gardens can improve the physical and mental wellbeing of students. Garden projects can also help build life skills and encourage a healthier lifestyle.

School gardens teach students about the environment and sustainability, enriching the entire curriculum from science and geography to art and design.

RHS campaign for school gardens

Sign up for the RHS campaign for school gardening for lots of ideas, advice and resources to keep young people busy in the garden, or growing vegetables at home or school.

Resources include:

  • free access to online resources, including live Q and As with garden experts
  • garden award schemes
  • information sheets for practical activities and lesson plans
  • training for teachers and parent volunteers
  • advice on projects and challenges to keep young people busy in the garden or growing veggies at home or school

Green Plan It Challenge

The RHS Green Plan It initiative challenges Year 8 and 9 students to design and create a model of a garden for their school or community.

Nature Friendly Schools

The Field Studies Council helps people to learn about nature and the environment so they can make informed choices about the best ways to protect it.

The Field Studies Council is working in partnership on a project called Nature Friendly Schools, which aims to:

  • develop teachers’ confidence to embrace and deliver outdoor learning
  • improve mental health and wellbeing in pupils
  • create an increased care and concern for the environment

Trees and woodlands

Here in Nottinghamshire, we have one of the UK’s most well-known forests in Sherwood Forest.

Students can learn about the sustainable management of the forest at Sherwood Pines where groups can get involved in a range of learning activities combining hands-on education with ideas for active minds.

Why not book a self-led visit for your class and hire one of the forest's fabulous ‘Ranger in a Bag’ resource backpacks to support your day? Or perhaps learn some bushcraft skills with one of their rangers?

Your school can apply for free trees from The Woodland Trust which gives away hundreds of trees to schools and community groups each year.