What you should do during a flood
If your life is in danger during flooding you should dial 999.
Here are some other things that you can do to stay safe:
- ensure family and pets are safe and away from flood water
- act on your personal flood plan [PDF]
- gather essentials and move valuable items above expected water levels
- check on vulnerable neighbours or relatives
- follow any instructions given by the emergency services - you may be asked to evacuate your property at short notice, so ensure you have an emergency kit of essential items ready
- prepare your property with any flood protection measures and turn off water, gas and electricity before water enters your property
- ensure important documents are safe, including your home insurance details
- avoid driving or walking through flood water, there may be hidden dangers (see more below about roads during floods)
- move vehicles to higher ground
- flood water is likely to be contaminated, wash your hands and follow good hygiene principles
Further information is available on our Flood FAQs.
What should I put in my emergency kit?
Emergency home kit
- list of emergency contact numbers - this should be a paper copy, in case your mobile phone loses power
- battery-operated torch and spare batteries, or a wind-up torch
- battery-operated radio and spare batteries, or a wind-up radio
- mobile phone
- any essential medication and a first aid kit
- bottled water and ready-to-eat food that won’t go off
- copies of important documents, such as insurance policies and birth certificates - keep these in a waterproof bag
- pencil, paper, penknife and whistle.
- spare keys to your home and car
- spare glasses or contact lenses
- baby and pet supplies if needed
Emergency kit on the move
- check the weather forecast and pack suitable clothes
- ready-to-eat food, a warm drink in a flask and bottled water
- mobile phone and charger
- any essential medication
- spare glasses or contact lenses
- cash and credit cards
- list of emergency contact numbers - this should be a paper copy, in case your mobile phone loses power
- baby and pet supplies if needed
Helpful contact information during a flood
If you are experiencing flooding from a watercourse, surface water or groundwater, call 01253 502776 (Nottinghamshire County Council).
If you are experiencing flooding from a blocked highway drain, call 01253 502776 (Nottinghamshire Highway Services Team).
If you are experiencing flooding from a public foul sewer, surface water sewer or a water main, call 0800 783 4444 (Severn Trent Water).
If you are experiencing flooding from a river or reservoir, call 0345 988 1188 (The Environment Agency Flood line) or 0800 80 70 60 (The Environment Agency Incident Hotline).
We have distributed aqua-sacs to flood wardens across the district. Please contact your Parish Council who can advise your local flood warden if you are in need of aqua-sacs. Contact details for Parish Councils are available at Parish Council Contacts (PDF File, 247kb).
If you are insured, please contact your insurer who should be able to arrange assistance. This will also help to alleviate other phone lines for people who cannot access such assistance.
Travelling information
During any floods, roads can be significantly disrupted across Newark and Sherwood. You can check for road closures on the following websites:
- A road closures via National Highways
- Nottinghamshire road closures via Nottinghamshire County Council
You can check for updates before travelling for the following services:
- Nottingham City Transport
- Net Tram via their social media channels and website
- Trentbarton via their Facebook and Twitter
- CT4N via their Twitter and website
Please help emergency services by only travelling if necessary. If you must travel,
- consider all flood warnings and adhere to any road closures signs that are in place
- give yourself plenty of time for your journey and always have a second route planned
- never drive into flood water, 30mm (1 inch) of water is enough to cause a vehicle to float and drift
- slow down and leave plenty of room between you and the car in front
- use your headlights if visibility is poor
- do not to enter flood water in case of hidden hazards such as lifted manhole covers
- stay away from swollen rivers