Data protection
The Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR protects information held about you by organisations including the Council.
We process all of the personal information you provide in accordance with this regulation. For further details please see our privacy policy.
You can find full information about the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR on the Information Commissioner’s website.
Accessing your own information
If you wish to view information that the council holds about you, you must make what is known as a subject access request (SAR) or a personal information request (PIR).
You’re entitled to be told if any personal data is held about you and, if so be:
- given a description of the information
- told for what purposes the information is processed
- told the organisations or types of organisations to which your information may have been disclosed
You are also entitled to:
- be given a copy of the information with any difficult or technical terms explained
- know, if the Council is holding the information, where it came from
- be given an explanation as to how any automated decisions taken about you have been made
How do I make a request?
Visit our making a request page for details on how to make your request.
When we have received your request we must give you the information or a reason why the information cannot be given to you within 30 calendar days.
Information that may be withheld
In principle, individuals have access to all personal data held about them, however, there are a few exceptions.
The Council can withhold personal information, if providing you with the information could affect:
- the way crime is detected or prevented
- catching or prosecuting offenders
- assessing or collecting tax or duty
Sometimes, your personal information may contain information about other people. This is referred to as 'third party information'. You are only permitted to access information about you and we may have to withhold or edit information, so that it does not identify third parties.
Will the Council ever refuse a request?
The Council is entitled to refuse to answer a request that is unfounded or excessive, particularly if the request is repetitive.
Can I make a request for someone else?
Yes, but we need to be absolutely sure that you are authorised by them to make the request. You must supply evidence in writing and signed by that person to confirm you are entitled to act on their behalf.
Can I request information about a deceased person?
You may only access your own information, and someone else’s if you’ve provided proof that you are entitled to act on their behalf, under the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. Requests for other people’s information, including the deceased, will be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act.
What if I am not happy with the way my request has been dealt with?
If you’re unhappy with the way your request has been handled, or you wish to object to the council's decision in the first instance, please visit our complaints page.