Report a dangerous tree
How do you deal with a dangerous tree, roots causing problems or overgrown trees and greenery? A number of organisations deal with tree issues and how you tackle it depends where the tree is.
For trees causing an immediate danger you should contact the emergency services.
Trees on private property
If a tree is causing damage on your property, you should contact your mortgage provider or insurer for advice.
For trees causing a nuisance or inconvenience contact the owner of the tree. Find out more about how the Council can help with neighbourhood nuisances.
Trees near roads and highways
Alternatively, contact Nottinghamshire County Council to deal with street trees and trees affecting county roads, road verges and surfaced public rights of way.
Contact National Highways about problem trees on motorways and trunk roads in Nottinghamshire (A1, A46, A52).
Trees in parks and green spaces
Parks and play areas are normally managed by town, parish and district councils. Signs in parks indicate who is responsible.
Contact the district council, town or parish council as appropriate.
Reporting tree pests and diseases
The UK’s trees, woodlands and forests need everyone’s help to stay healthy. We can all help prevent tree diseases taking hold in the UK by being vigilant and reporting any unusual symptoms or pests on trees using Forestry England’s tree alert system.