Cleaner, Safer, Greener
We're bringing together staff from across the Council alongside community volunteers and partner agencies to make Newark and Sherwood an even cleaner, safer and greener place to be.
Activities to ensure the district is cleaner, safer and greener are part of the Council's Community Plan, which outlines the Council's objectives.
We're making our district even cleaner by focusing on:
- increasing the reporting of littering, dog-fouling and fly-tipping
- reducing littering, dog-fouling and fly-tipping
- increased reporting to build a map of the district to enable targeted cleaning activities
- reducing litter levels by supporting and encouraging community litter picks
- taking an uncompromising approach to the use of fixed penalty charges for environmental offences
Report a waste incident
Report a litter bin that needs emptying
Report a dog bin that needs emptying
We're making our district even safer by working together and focusing on:
- taking an uncompromising approach to the enforcement of anti-social behaviour legislation
- increasing enforcement around planning and licensing
- developing the Council's partnerships and communication networks with key organisations such as the police and Neighbourhood Alert
- strengthening and coordinating our response to nuisance neighbour complaints
- working with the police to promote and support the effective use of CCTV
Report a safety incident
We're making our district even greener with a focus on:
- reducing littering in parks and green spaces
- reducing anti-social behaviour in parks and green spaces
- increasing recognition of the parks and green spaces in our district
- increasing the reuse, recycling or composting of household and garden waste
- improving the appearance of our streets by reducing the quantity of street clutter, including fly posting
- improving the quality of signage including traffic and directional signage
Report a greener issue
Contact us to report any issues.