Applying to rent a Council home
Council properties are allocated to those eligible for housing, with priority given to those in most need.
Our housing allocations scheme (PDF File, 267kb) sets out the rules for deciding how our properties are allocated.
Applying for Council housing
To apply for a home with us, it is our preference for you to apply to join our housing register through our MyAccount service. If you require alternative methods of applying, please contact us.
Please make sure you have the following information before you apply:
- national insurance number
- ID such as a passport, driving licence, birth certificate, for all members of your household
- proof and information on any benefits
- relevant medical information
- share codes (for immigration status if applicable)
The application form will ask you for details about:
- yourself
- everyone who will live in the property
- where you live now
- where you would like to live
- whether you have any medical conditions or disabilities which might affect the type of property you require
- proof of immigration status
Once you’re on the housing register, you’ll be given an application reference number which you will need to view your application and bid on suitable, available properties. This is called a choice-based letting system and means you can choose where you want to live.
If you need help completing the application, please contact us.
Already applied?
If you’re on our housing register, you can view your application or express an interest in a property. If you haven’t completed your MyAccount registration you’ll need your application number handy to create an account so you can register your interest in available properties.
My circumstances have changed
If you’re on the housing register with us and your personal circumstances have changed you will need to tell us as soon as possible. Contact details can be changed in MyAccount or you can contact us if your circumstances have changed.
Tenant responsibilities
Once you become a tenant with us, you’ll have certain rights and responsibilities which are laid out in your tenant agreement. This is a legal document.