Access and facilities for disabled people
From October 2004 the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) places a legal duty on all those who provide services to the public to make reasonable adjustments to the physical environment of their premises (retailers, cafes, leisure centres, cinemas, health services and banks etc.) This is to ensure that disabled people can access their goods, services and facilities.
There are around ten million people in the UK (Family Resources Survey 2002/2003) with a disability.
Of these, over 2.75 million have a significant hearing impairment and over two million have a significant visual impairment. Some people have more than one disability; some have disabilities that cannot be seen; and the popular perception that people with disabilities always use wheelchairs is inaccurate.
We can help and advise on the best way to meet access requirements. We also offer goodwill advice around access improvements you may wish to undertake on a voluntary basis, and which may be of benefit to all members of the community. Contact us for more information.