Neighbourhood studies

Neighbourhood studies are completed with local residents and partners to identify areas of improvement for an area. Each study creates a locally driven document that outlines a long-term plan to guide future decision making and investment in the area.

Each study focuses on:

•   people (socio-economic)

•   place (physical attributes)

•   opportunities

A neighbourhood study presents opportunities to gain insight into local issues and views of the local community needs at the start of the planning and development process.

Structure of the neighbourhood studies

Each neighbourhood study takes a different approach to reflect the unique character of the area, but they all use this common structure:

1) Baseline report - setting out an overview of existing data for the neighbourhood, including the historical context, this report is the first stage of community consultation and local stakeholder engagement and identifies opportunities and challenges for each locality.

2) Interim report - providing a comprehensive account of data from the resident and stakeholder engagement programme and identifying emerging priorities, at this stage a framework of initial ‘place’ and ‘people’ options are considered, with everyone invited to give feedback.

3) Final report - summarising all activities undertaken through the themes of ‘place’ and ‘people’, identifying the priorities and vision for the locality; this report provides a delivery plan, setting out a detailed appraisal of the prioritised options, including who will action these, the resources required and a timeframe to work towards.


Governance is a crucial element of a neighbourhood study. Each study area forms a neighbourhood partnership, bringing together local stakeholders (statutory and voluntary) and residents. The neighbourhood partnership acts as an advisory group and sounding board for the duration of the project, agreeing terms of reference at the start and monitoring progress.

Community involvement

Although the Council is leading the process, the neighbourhood studies are very much community documents. There is a responsibility for all stakeholders (including the residents themselves) to recognise their role in meeting the required options and actions in order to deliver better outcomes for local residents.

The studies should also be used to shape each stakeholder’s strategic decision making, priorities and investment for the neighbourhood study area.

Completed studies

Hawtonville neighbourhood study

The Hawtonville Neighbourhood Report (PDF File, 647kb) was completed in March 2016. The study engaged with over 300 residents, generating over 1,000 suggestions for investment in the area.

A number of possible projects were developed to be delivered under a new vision for the neighbourhood: Hawtonville – a proud and prosperous community.

Bridge Ward neighbourhood study

Completed in March 2012, the Bridge Ward Neighbourhood Report (PDF File, 1,551kb) sets out a number of key challenges for the ward and proposals to address them. The main focus on the study was the relationship between Yorke Drive and the Ward and how to regenerate this area. This has developed into the Yorke Drive regeneration project.