Making of the Allocations & DM DPD

This page details the stages in the production of the allocations and development management DPD leading up to its adoption in 2013. The statement of consultation and representation (PDF File, 3,143kb) outlines the main issues and outcomes from the various stages of the plans preparation. The evidence that supports this DPD is held on the allocations and development management DPD evidence base webpage. 


The examination of the DPD was carried out by an independent Planning Inspector, whose role was to consider whether the plan’s preparation complied with the duty to co-operate, whether the plan is sound and whether it is compliant with the legal requirements. The national planning policy framework (paragraph 182) sets out that to be sound, a local plan should be positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy. Examination of the DPD followed its submission to the Secretary of State.

More detail on the examination of the DPD and the supporting documentation is available to view through on our allocations and development management DPD examination webpage.

Strategic policies for the purposes of Neighbourhood Planning (19 Sep to 15 Oct 2012)

Following submission of the DPD it was necessary for the Council to make a judgement about what within the DPD should be regarded as 'strategic' for the purposes of neighbourhood planning. The system of neighbourhood planning allows Parish and Town Council’s to produce plans and orders to guide development at a local level. Importantly one of the requirements of such plans and orders is that they should be in line with the strategic policies of the Local Development Framework.

A review of which aspects of the Allocations and Development Management DPD should be considered as strategic was undertaken and then subject to a period of consultation, which concluded on the 15th October 2012. The comments received were reviewed and provided to the Planning Inspector leading the examination of the DPD. Details of the review can be viewed in our strategic policies for the purposes of neighbourhood planning (PDF File, 283kb) document.

Submission to the Secretary of State (10 September 2012)

Following the approval from Full Council the Allocations & Development Management DPD was, on 10 September 2012, submitted to the Secretary of State in order for it to be examined by an independent Planning Inspector.

Having considered the matters raised by the representations received on the publication DPD and those identified from a visit carried out by a planning inspector, the local planning authority identified a small number of 'main modifications' to the content of the DPD. In addition to these 'main modifications' there are also other modifications which were intended to address the consistency in policy requirements, clearly identify their delivery and to amend spelling and grammatical errors.

The DPD as submitted was therefore made up of the publication allocations and development management DPD (PDF File, 17,887kb) and the schedule of proposed modifications (PDF File, 2,871kb).

Publication stage (18 June to 30 July 2012)

The publication stage of the DPD differed from the previous stages in that it represented the version of the document that the Council wishes to submit to the Secretary of State for examination and following this to adopt. Following the close of the representation period, meetings of Cabinet and Full Council on 6 September 2012 considered the submission of the DPD.

Further information on the production of the DPD and how the plan changed between the preceding stages can be found in the statement of consultation and representation (PDF File, 3,143kb).

Made available alongside the publication DPD were the:

Additional sites and development management consultation papers (March to May 2012)

A number of sites were put forward as part of the options report consultation which had not previously been considered as part of the allocations process. These sites had the potential to be considered as reasonable alternatives to the sites which the Council had previously considered. Therefore it was necessary for consultation to be undertaken on these additional sites.

Comments were also sought at the options report stage on the scope of proposed development management policies for eventual inclusion within the DPD. Following this further work, more detailed development management policies were produced for consultation between 20 March and 1 May 2012.

The consultation papers include:

Options report stage (October to November 2011)

The first stage in the production of the allocations and development management DPD was the allocations and development management DPD options report (PDF File, 25,987kb) which underwent public consultation between 3 October and 25 November 2011.

The sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the document can be viewed below: