Safer Streets ‘day of action’ cleans up problem areas around Newark

Posted on: Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Last week the District Council’s environmental services team spent a day working around known problem areas in Newark in an effort to clean up our community.

The day of action covered multiple areas including Newark Northgate Retail Park, Ossington WayMontgomery Road and Victoria Street.

During the day officers completed work including litter picking and the tidying of local parks and open spaces. The team also removed graffiti from various areas, using an industrial strength power-washer to remove any trace of the vandalism. Streets covered with discarded chewing gum were also cleaned. Thorough cleaning using a street sweeper vehicle took place around residential areas and along roads to remove waste and debris.

The Street Scene team work tirelessly to keep our district looking beautiful and free of any waste or vandalism. Work they complete can include the removal of litter, dead animals, dog fouling, fly-tipping, abandoned vehicles, graffiti, fly-posting and the removal of syringes. The District Council encourages residents to help where they can by reporting areas where they spot issues such as littering, graffiti or any other environmental offences. This can be done on the District Council website.

Throughout the day the team were joined by local councillors including Councillor Simon Haynes, Councillor Jack Kellas and Councillor Keith Girling, Deputy Leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council.

Councillor Keith Girling said: “We are all committed to making Newark and Sherwood a cleaner, safer, greener place to live, work and enjoy. The hard work put in by our environmental services team does not go unnoticed as they tirelessly work to clean up after those people who selfishly litter and vandalise our district with graffiti.

“Days such as this allow the team to clean up particular problem areas, identified not only by the team but also by our residents. We must all do our bit to help and I encourage residents to work as our eyes and ears around the community, in order to report those who continue to blight our district.”

The day of action was conducted as part of the Safer Streets project. The Safer Streets project is a partnership between the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Nottinghamshire Police, Newark and Sherwood District Council and Nottinghamshire County Council to improve security in areas particularly affected by acquisitive crimes such as burglary, vehicle theft and robbery. It includes a package of measures to deter crime and anti-social behaviour by strengthening community cohesion and enhancing the local environment.

For more information about the Street Scene team and to report issues visit: