Heritage and tree conservation

We live in an area with many historical buildings and spaces, linking us with the past.
We’re committed to caring for, conserving and enhancing this rich historic environment.

This includes protecting and promoting:

There are lots of ways you can get involved in the conservation of our fantastic and varied heritage, from identifying less well-known heritage sites in the district to proposing sites and buildings for designation, and the review and appraisal of conservation areas.

Current consultation documents

The public consultation on the Draft Non-designated Heritage Asset Criteria is now closed. The document will be presented to Economic Development Committee on 23 March 2022. You can read the Committee report on our website.

Tree conservation

The district has a unique biodiversity including ancient oaks in Sherwood Forest and flocks of thousands of golden plover wintering on the wetlands of the Trent Valley.

 As part of our conservation work the Council helps protect and promote the district’s wildlife in a number of ways, including planting trees to managing parks and gardens. Find out more on our trees and nature conservation page.

Contacting the conservation team

Do you need to know whether your building is listed or in a conservation area? Or need advice on repairs and renovations to your historic building?  

For free advice on planning and conservation matters around heritage at risk and listed buildings contact us on conservation@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk or call 01636 650 000.

Conservation areas

New conservation areas, or areas that might be suitable as extensions to an existing designated area, may be identified in a number of ways. This might include work undertaken by local communities on a neighbourhood plan or in response to development proposals; or a new awareness of significance through processes such as local listing.

If you’ve identified areas with a special interest, character or appearance that you think should be considered for designation, contact the conservation team.

We are currently undertaking a conservation area review, you can find more information on our conservation area webpage.

How to get a historic building or site protected through listing

Concerned about the future of a historic building? Do you know something that makes a building of national significance? You can apply for a historic building or site to be protected through the listing system on the Historic England website.

Historic England's national list of heritage sites has more than 400,000 entries, from town houses to tower blocks, to tombstones, palaces to pigsties, plague crosses and wrecks to rollercoasters. You can share images, insights and secrets of special historical places, and capture them for future generations.

Local listing

Local heritage listing is a way for a community and local planning authority to identify heritage assets that are valued as distinctive elements of the local historic environment. Find out more on our local heritage assets page.

Reporting unauthorised works on a heritage asset

If you notice works being undertaken to a designated heritage asset and suspect that they might be unauthorised, please contact us as soon as possible. Unauthorised works might include alterations to a listed building, excavations within a scheduled monument, or demolition within a conservation area.

Report an issue by either using the online report a planning breach form, calling us on 01636 650 000 or emailing customerservices@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk so we can investigate.

Historic England's Midlands office will also be able to help, particularly in the case of scheduled monuments.

Lead and architectural theft is sadly a common problem throughout the region. We recommend that you contact Nottinghamshire Police on 999 if a crime is in progress.