Rubbish accumulation
As well as being an eyesore, piles of rubbish can contain material that could attract pests, substances that are hazardous to health, or be the source of bad smells.
The Council investigates complaints of rubbish accumulations dumped on land. Following an investigation, we can take action against the occupier or owner of the land to get the rubbish removed.
If the issue is associated with gardens, such as where piles of rubbish are affecting other properties and preventing neighbours from enjoying the use of their garden, we can use our statutory nuisance powers to resolve the problem.
Fly tipping is the general term used for rubbish that is illegally deposited on land without permission from the landowners.
The Council is responsible for cleanliness and maintaining standards on some public land and highways.
If you would like to report an accumulation of rubbish contact us.