Equality information
We want the services we provide to be fair and free from discrimination. We do this through a better understanding of the people we serve. We gain insight into our community by listening to what you tell us. We also use a range of information and data when making decisions about how to run our services.
This page provides details and links on a range of equality information that we use when making decisions and which may be useful to other businesses and organisations when developing your own policies and procedures. This data also helps us to meet our obligations under the Equality Act 2010.
Our equality and diversity strategy 2021 to 2023 (PDF File, 1,207kb) outlines how we will continue to deliver accessible and focused services consistently and fairly to all sections of the community we serve.
If you have any questions please get in touch.
Data from the 2011 census
Demographic information from the 2011 census provides a breakdown of the district’s population and within particular equality groups.
From this information we know that:
- Newark and Sherwood has a usual resident population of approximately 114,800 people, of which 49.3% are male and 50.7% are female
- 19% of the population are aged 65 or over and 20.6% are under 18
- 51.7% of the districts population are married or in a registered same-sex civil partnership
- 27.5% of households have one person with a long-term health problem or disability.
- 66.1% of local residents describe themselves as Christian and 25.6% state they have no religion.
It also provides a range of tables on:
- ethnicity, national identity, country of birth, passports held, household language
- economic activity, hours worked, industry and occupational characteristics each broken down by gender
- socio-economic classification, ethnic diversity, country of birth, year and age of arrival, length of residence in the UK, detailed religion
- health and provision of unpaid care
2011 census key statistics for Newark and Sherwood District, including reference tables and accompanying charts detailing the above, can be found at Office for National Statistics website.
Additional equality information
The following links also provide equalities information for the Newark and Sherwood District:
Nottinghamshire Help Yourself is a partnership between health, the voluntary sector and Nottinghamshire County Council to bring information and advice together in one central place - so people can find the information they need easily on matters such as looking after someone, things to do in the community, childcare, education training and work, financial and legal advice, help in your home and community, health and self-care, housing needs.
NOMIS provides official labour market statistics. This profile for Newark and Sherwood brings together data from several sources including information about the resident population, employment and unemployment.
Fulfilling Potential: Building Understanding provides an analysis of the current evidence on disability in the UK to inform the development of the next stage of work on Fulfilling Potential.
Disability in the United Kingdom provides an overview of key facts and figures surrounding disability. This report is the result of a comprehensive search of the latest key statistics on all aspects of disability and covers areas such as employment, health, housing etc.
At present, obtaining detailed information and statistics on the transgender population is very difficult as this has never been systematically done before and because people are reluctant to identify as transgender for fear of discrimination. Further information may be available from national organisations that work on transgender issues, including Stonewall, The Gender Trust, and GIRES.
The Council collect employee information to help us ensure employment practices are free from discrimination. Find out more on our workforce profile and information page.
Nottinghamshire Insight brings together a collection of resources such as reports, data, maps and profiles to form a picture of the County's population, health and wellbeing, economy and services. This content can be used to form an evidence base for planning, developing and improving local services.
The Ethnicity Facts and Figures data resource provides information about the different experiences of people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. It gathers data collected by government in one place, making it available to the public, specialists and charities.
If you would like information in an alternative format, we will take reasonable steps to make the material available.
We’re continuing to review data and will be updating this page with further information.
This is the June 2018 version.